Hell's Vengeance Deck 2 Preview?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Was curious if Paizo was going to release a little spoiler for deck 2 like they did for deck number one. I eventually bought it and love it. But I would love to have a taste of the new heroes before I commit. Just curious if anyone knows if they were going to do so.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We'll definitely do that.

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daddlebutt wrote:
But I would love to have a taste of the new heroes before I commit.


Lone Shark Games

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Working on it!


Characters, hero's, persons, whichever lol. I play dota a good amount so I generally refer to characters as hero's.

Great to hear also mike and vic!

Here's a short preview of one of the characters/heroes/person of interest (got mine in the mail today)

Emil - Male pitborn assassin
str d8
dex d10, ranged+2, stealth+2
const d8, fort+1
intel d6
wis d4
char d6

Hand size 5 (_6)
proficient with light armor and weapons
"when you encounter a card, a character at your location may discard a card; if she does, evade your encounter"
"you may discard a card to add 1d4(_+1) (_+2) to a combat check by a character at another location."
"when you play a boon that has the poison ( _or corrupted) trait, you may ignore that trait and immunities to it. If the boon would require you to bury any cards from your hand or deck, recharge them instead"

Other two characters look pretty interesting as well.

Thanks, that's very appreciated!

While it's tempting to ask about everything in the deck, I don't want my curiousity to get the better of me - however, it would be really cool if your or someone else could post Nyctessa in a similiar format :)

Doppelschwert wrote:

Thanks, that's very appreciated!

While it's tempting to ask about everything in the deck, I don't want my curiousity to get the better of me - however, it would be really cool if your or someone else could post Nyctessa in a similiar format :)


Nyctessa - female dhampir wizard
str d6
dex d6
cons d4
intel d10, arcane+2, knowledge+2
wis d8
char d8

Hand size 6 (_7)
Proficient with (_light armors)
"When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may draw it instead"
"you may banish an ally, a monster, or a card that has the corrupted trait to add 1d4 (_or a number of d4's equal to the banished card's adventure deck number) to your check defeat a monster (_or to acquire an ally)"
"once per turn, if you are required to remove cards from your d eck and don't have enough, you do not die)"

Zelhara - female human inquisitor
str d6
dex d8
cons d6
intel d6
wis d10, divine +1, perception+3
charisma d6

hand size 5 (_6)
proficient with light armors and weapons
"on your check that invokes the chain, finesse, or knife trait, you may use divine instead of the listed skill"
"ignore redemption cards"
"once per turn (_or any number of times on your turn), when a power happens if a boon has the corrupted trait, you may ignore that power"
"a character at your location may bury an ally (_or a card that has the corrupted trait) from her discard pile; if she does, shuffle a random card (_or 2 random cards) from your discard pile into your deck.

That's all I'll share since I'd rather leave it to the pros to give a proper preview of how the deck cards support these characters.

Hype. Hype.

Hell's Vengeance is such a great theme. Probably better than Goblins.. HellGoblins would be the best

redeux wrote:

Zelhara - female human inquisitor

"on your check that invokes the chain, finesse, or knife trait, you may use divine instead of the listed skill"

Oh no! We still don't know how to play Varril, and now we have another one!

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