How to build a vexxing daredevil?


So I'm in a party with generally new players, currently level 2, and I wanted to check the build I've got for my character. I am tryi n to build him to be the party's primary anvil, but I am also the most system savvy player in the froup, and I dont want to go for raw optimization to the point that players with lesser system mastery will be left in the dust. It seems like the mesmerist is pretty solid but the arctype is a little sub par, so thats a start. In any case, here is what I am working with now.

Human mesmerist (vexing daredevil)
10 str, 16 dex, 14 con
12 int, 8 wis, 16 cha. Planning on incrwasi ng dex to 18 by level 8, then everythinh else into cha

Feats: Dodge, weapon finesse. Planning on taking Graceful Fwncer at 5. Leadership at 7 if the GM will allow it, otherwise spell focus. Not sure what else would be good.

Skills (all maxed): diplomacy, sense motive, bluff, intimidate, perception, acrobatics, knowledge ( nobilty and local), craft (alchemy). The last one is a lil out there, but I wantes to give him a memento from his time at Lepidstadt University before he was expelled for "lewd dueling."

Cant remember his 0 spells, but for 1st level he has Burst of Adrenaline, Mental Block, and Murderous Command. They all felt like spells that would remain very slot-efficient at higher levels. I avoided the low HD nukes so as not to step on the toes of our sorcerer's color spray.

Mesmerist tricks: havent picked it yet. I like the one that gives you disguise self for the utility and because it would let me drop an extra -2 to a target's will save for a roun, and was goinb to take compel alacrity for my next, probably.

Level I am plannin on the ability that lets me blind on feint, because it gives me some CC that isnt tied to will saves, and the slayer in the party will love it. Overall, I want to build a crowd controlly fencer who has potent single target debuffs and CC. Is this a workable concept for the class, and am I on the right track?

By Graceful Fencer do you mean Fencing Grace? Because that requires Weapon Focus (rapier) as well.

I'm not really a fan of getting Dodge when you're not using it as a prereq for something else, like Crane Style. One of the trick feats or Extra Mesmerist Tricks would be better IMO as an anvil.

If you're going to use dazzling feints a lot then Ability Focus (dazzling feint) would be worthwhile. Twinned Feint might also be useful.

It's certainly possible to do this. Whether it's too weak depends on just how optimised the other characters are. With the internet at their disposal the other players could have made stronger characters than you think, or not.

Yeah, fencing grace is the one I meant. Getting that at 5th level after I get weapon focus at level 5. The rest of the party is a slayer who is doing her damndest to go for a tank/dps hybrid, a sorcerer who will be focusing on blast spells, and a bard who, so far, buffs with bardic music and then attacks with his shortbow.

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