New game, who dis?


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Hey there folks, I'll be running a Starfinder game for a first-timer group next week and I need some advice.

The core concept of the game is that, Dark-Matter-style, the PCs wake up from a criogenic sleep in a ship with no specific memories about who they are and what they are doing there. They must explore the ship, gathering hints about their previous lives, and then make way in the universe learning about the universe as they go on. That way, I'll be teaching about the rules as they come along, and expanding on the setting on a session-by-session base.

The players will choose the main aspects of their characters during the first session. So at first they'll choose a race, then class/theme.

So, for this concept, my main issues are:

1) I'll have a limited time to read the rules. Which chapters should I prioritize? I already thought about not including starship rules for a session or two, to let the players feel comfortable with character-mechanics before moving forward.

2) I will be buying first-level gear for them. They will find the gear spread out around the ship. The problem is that I'm unable to know in advance which classes they will pick, so I need to provide a good and varied amount of gear (probably doubling up on some guns, etc). So, which gear are 1st-level must-haves?

3) Aside from the Alien Archive (which I don't have), where can I find some low-level enemies?

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The APs has some enemies you might use.

As for gear... what kind of ship are you going to put them on? are they the full crew or only survivors? its entirely believable that there are gear lockers on the ship, throw in 4-8 sets of light and 4-8 sets of heavy armor, a like number of one handed and two handed weapons and then let the PCs decide for themselves what they'll use. the sell price for all of the excess is very low but it can serve as the "treasure" for their first adventure or two as they explore their ship and figure out how to get it fully functional.

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3) Good low-level enemies, refluff as needed (also, see First Contact for ideas)

2) I'm going to recommend you hide ~2k/person in gear, even though the book suggests 1k/person for 1st level wealth; the reasons include (but are not limited to) the fact that you are choosing for them (so it's not their call), and while you'll obviously want to cover all their potential bases, you're going to miss it a bit, somewhere; that extra gear will eventually be sold... for about 200 credits, or so

Anyway, I'm going to make a sample load-out that should cover everyone, though I'm ignoring my own money advice up above (because I'm not counting the cost, I'm just pulling stuff).

- general-purpose weapons (<#PCs*710>+120): small arms (flare gun, an azimuth laser pistol, and a pulscaster pistol, each), basic melee weapons (tactical baton, survival knife), 20 extra batteries, 4 extra flares (each)

- more advanced gear (3420): ~3 advanced melee (2 standard taclashes, a tactical doshko), ~4 longarms (2 pulsecaster rifles, 2 laser rifles), 1 heavy weapon (azimuth artillary laser), 15 grenades (5 frag g. Is, 5 smoke g.s, 5 sticky bombs)

- fusions (choose a number equal to players; that is, each player could have a single fusion) (120*PCs): anchoring, called, defiant, durable, hybridized, returning I haven't listed something this works with, so, unless you change the loadout... and/or trailblazer

- armor (<PCs*250>+110 to 830): second skins (a number equal to players; they all start wearing these), and one or two heavier armors (troop ceremonial plate, golemforged plating I, or lashunta ringwear I)

- upgrades (200*PC): radiation buffer (one per player)

- cybernetics (<100*PCs>+625): (<#players>*4) standard prosthetic limbs (each player has the option of one or two hands or legs), one standard datajack

- biotech (<95*PCs>+500): <#players> gill sheath (only if you're planning underwater segments), 1 wildwise

- tech items (<52*PC>+1900): <#PCs> 50 ft. titanium alloy cable line, a number of personal coms equal to characters (they wake with these), 2 medkits, 8 medpatches, 8 binders, 4 fire extinguishers, <#PCs> toolkits, 1 holoskin, 1 grappler

- magic items (<835*PC>+475 to 1,900 for serums): (<#PCs>*2) serum of healing mk 1, <#PCs> ring of resistance mk 1, 1-4 enhancement serums (1-2 of a given kind; use the bonus/serum type to tell the PCs what kind of action you're expecting in the future)

- hybrid items (3*PC): starstone compass (all wake up with one)

- personal items (56*PC): <#PCs> industrial backpack, clothing (each PC gains one outfit that fits them of each kind: environmental (each PC gets a different environment; if you plan on featuring a particular environment, they all have that, instead), everyday, formal, professional, and travel; these clothes are perfectly tailored for the PCs form/body, but need not match their preferred style)

- drugs, medicinals, and poisons (4,950k): 33 mk1 medicinals (11 each: analgesic, antitoxin, and sedative), <#weeks> of field rations equal to the number of PCs there are

Maybe throw in a basic exploration buggy, or something.

I totally lied and went back and added stuff up.

Per PC: 710+120+250+200+100+95+52+835+3+56 = 930+450+195+887+59 = 1380+1082+59 = 2462+59 = 2521 per PC (if liquidated, that'd be sold for ~252 credits)

Other: 120+3420+625+500+1900+4950 = 3540+1125+6850 = 4665+6850 = 11,515 (or liquidated for ~1,151 credits)

Variable: 110 to 830; 475 to 1900 = 585 to 2730, depending (~58 to 273 credits if liquidated).

Anyway, that's what the costs of what I'm recommending add up to - so use your own discretion.

When they wake, each PC has a second skin (with radiation buffer), a ring, a compass, and a personal comm. Nearby their location is a bag filled with small arms, basic melee, ammo, and clothes. Everything else is scattered around.

My recommendations are based on the fact that the PCs really don't get to choose their gear, load themselves out for anything in particular, and have no knowledge or understanding of what they may or may not be facing. They're going to need a broad array of practical things to be used for a wide array of purposes. Obviously, you don't need to give them everything - I recommended more than one long arm and an advanced melee - and similarly with the armor, and such - in order to cover your bases and to ensure that nothing's left out... but you could probably easily drop any or most of the more specific/extra items without causing problems, so long as you know they can survive (with a not-entirely-bad chance) whatever it is you're going to throw at them.

Torbyne wrote:

The APs has some enemies you might use.

As for gear... what kind of ship are you going to put them on? are they the full crew or only survivors? its entirely believable that there are gear lockers on the ship, throw in 4-8 sets of light and 4-8 sets of heavy armor, a like number of one handed and two handed weapons and then let the PCs decide for themselves what they'll use. the sell price for all of the excess is very low but it can serve as the "treasure" for their first adventure or two as they explore their ship and figure out how to get it fully functional.

I went into specifics, but basically this thing.

As for the ship, though I didn't mention, you'll want to have a solid medical bay, if nothing else, so that the crew can heal up and have those prosthesis just in case the worst happens.

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(1) IMO, the best order to read the book with limited time is: Game Mastering, Tactical Rules, Skills, and then whatever else strikes your fancy. I would strongly recommend holding off on starship combat for a few sessions.

(2) Provide a wide selection of 1st level basic melee weapons, small arms, and light armor, as every class has access to those. Have a couple different longarms, and then perhaps one heavy weapon and one advanced melee weapon, as well as one or two sets of heavy armor. Toss in some ammo and a few mk 1 serums of healing.

(3) First Contact is a free download. It's a bit outdated (was created before the ruleset was finalized) but it's got a few low-level baddies in there for you to use.

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If you (or the players) have played a lot of Pathfinder, there has been a number of minor rule changes that have a big impact.

1) 5' step is now a move action.

2) reach weapons hit both the 5' & 10' square.

3) Only 1 AoO per turn now (or action out of your turn)

4) No 'fighting in melee' penalty for ranged attacks. Still suffer the cover penalty.

5) Everyone can "Full Attack". Make another attack but all attacks suffer a -4 to hit. Takes all your actions for that turn.

Someone is going to want "4" gear so add a longsword.

nicholas storm wrote:
Someone is going to want "4" gear so add a longsword.

Apologies, but what is "4" gear?

In dark matter they named themselves after the order they woke up. 4 was a japanese guy who was a master swordsman.

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I like Tacticslion's list, with potential editing as needed to make the extra equipment match what the original mission of the star ship would have been, though it would probably make your life easier if you expect a little variation depending on the race/classes that people actually build. Pull out some equipment/value, maybe 1-2k spread across the party, so if someone's looking for something specific (and that thing is reasonable, and not out of level/tier), offer a roll to see if they can find the thing somewhere. We usually go with 2d6, and if the GM wins, no thingy, but if the player wins or ties, they can find the thing they actually want.

I would lean away from having cybernetic parts available, since no level 1 PC is likely going to be able to install it.

The other way to go would be to have some actual listed equipment, and supplement that with schematics for a bunch of the available items, and a box or two of UPBs (Universal Polymer Base) so the crew can have the 3d printer whip up whatever equipment they may need.

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Great advice all around, thanks! I'll be addressing each response individually because there's just so much gold in these nuggets of wisdom.

To make the concept clearer for those who haven't watched the Dark Matter series (though you should; it's great inspiration for Starfinder): The PCs wake up in a ship with no memories (the ship's logs have also been wiped).

They were actually a tough, hardened criminal crew, with enemies all across the system, but they have a second shot at maybe being good guys. The ship is a stolen and heavily modified Hellknight armed transport (designed to rain hell on dissidents, revolutionaries or indigenous species in the way of progress), but it incongruously has a small Abadarcorp shuttle filled with relief disaster packs (each PC also has Abadarian clothing and identification).

If they examine the boxes, one of them is locked shut (requiring some skill checks to open and introducing that mechanic). Among the relief packets there are a LOT of heavy weaponry (most of the 1st-level weapons). A couple of nerfed-down CR 1/3 security drones will try to shoot them if they open the box, introducing tactical combat rules in a somewhat safe environment.

Exploring the ship they will find different quarters, probably gleaning a few snippets of their previous lives in the process. When they get to the bridge they find they're in stable orbit around a planet - where an active distress beacon is transmitting. Then shenanigans hopefully ensure (there is a lot more, but that's the simple version).

Background: The criminal party was hired by the Aspis Consortium to shut down a worker's strike on a mining planet. The workers are suing for independence, and contacted Abadarcorp hoping to join the Pact Worlds. Abadarcorp has sent a ship to appraise and deffuse the situation, but the PCs have ambushed it and stolen the shuttle. Their plan was to infiltrate the worker organization in the guise of Abadarian officials bringing relief supplies. When in contact with the leadership, they would open the safe and bring out the big guns, destroying the opposition.

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Torbyne wrote:
As for gear... what kind of ship are you going to put them on? are they the full crew or only survivors?

The ship is the Nemesis a Hellknight proprietary Lawbringer-class Armed and Armored Medium Transport. The PCs have stolen it from the organization and have been heavily modifying it to better suit their criminal enterprises. So they're basically a criminal crew and the ship's purpose is to look and act intimidating. The group will probably consist of 4 player characters.

Torbyne wrote:
its entirely believable that there are gear lockers on the ship, throw in 4-8 sets of light and 4-8 sets of heavy armor, a like number of one handed and two handed weapons and then let the PCs decide for themselves what they'll use. the sell price for all of the excess is very low but it can serve as the "treasure" for their first adventure or two as they explore their ship and figure out how to get it fully functional.

Even better: the ship has been extensively used by the same characters, and their long criminal careers justifies any excess of weapons or gear. Your point about the low sell price for used gear is a LOT useful - it means I can overshoot my mark a bit and not worry too much. Thanks!

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Tacticslion wrote:
So much good stuff!

Damnit, that I was hoping but not expecting to get! Thanks man, I'll go through it with a fine comb - expect further replies as I check the book and reference your suggestions.

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Jimbles the Mediocre wrote:
(1) IMO, the best order to read the book with limited time is: Game Mastering, Tactical Rules, Skills, and then whatever else strikes your fancy. I would strongly recommend holding off on starship combat for a few sessions.

Will definitely follow your suggestion. I focused on the character creation stuff first since I'll be showcasing the options, but needed a pointer on important stuff to follow that. Thanks!

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Matt2VK wrote:
If you (or the players) have played a lot of Pathfinder, there has been a number of minor rule changes that have a big impact.

Great tips all around. Some of the players have played PF before, but other haven't. I fully expect it to be a messy jumble of PF/5e/GURPS references.

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Torgo the Bold! wrote:

I like Tacticslion's list, with potential editing as needed to make the extra equipment match what the original mission of the star ship would have been, though it would probably make your life easier if you expect a little variation depending on the race/classes that people actually build. Pull out some equipment/value, maybe 1-2k spread across the party, so if someone's looking for something specific (and that thing is reasonable, and not out of level/tier), offer a roll to see if they can find the thing somewhere. We usually go with 2d6, and if the GM wins, no thingy, but if the player wins or ties, they can find the thing they actually want.

Torgo the Bold! wrote:
The other way to go would be to have some actual listed equipment, and supplement that with schematics for a bunch of the available items, and a box or two of UPBs (Universal Polymer Base) so the crew can have the 3d printer whip up whatever equipment they may need.

I conflated the two suggestions in one since my answer will be the same: both are solid ideas (the last one is just great thinking), but I am trying to minimize choices to prevent choice paralysis and too much information too quickly. It's easier for the PCs if there are "one rifle, a couple of swords and a laser pistol" instead of "take a look at this long-ass list and choose one - what's that special property? Let me check".

Torgo the Bold! wrote:
I would lean away from having cybernetic parts available, since no level 1 PC is likely going to be able to install it.

That's an insightful suggestion, I will definitely follow. Also, I feel cybernetic enhancement should be a conscious mechanical choice supported by roleplay.

Torgo the Bold! wrote:
so the crew can have the 3d printer whip up whatever equipment they may need.

For that to happen, is the ship required to have a Tech Workshop?

I did want to clarify, the reason I mentioned having prosthesis is simply this: if a PC somehow loses an arm, it may well be a long road to finding where, exactly, they could get a replacement. That was the basis of my suggestion for having them present.

EDIT (still never got to the point): the list I put together was one predicated on having no daggum idea what was happening or why or who they were. Any changes you make are probably fine, and it's not meant to be, "You should never change this!" just, "If I was making <basic premise>, and had no idea what the characters would be, this is what I'd do..." sort of a thing, and why.


For my list, one thing I made sure of is that everything I listed was all a level 1 piece of equipment - outside of a few "key" items (specifically, those that did not have level 1 counterparts, like the holoskin and grappling hook).

Also, just to be clear, if they did just go hog-wild and sold literally everything I listed, they'd end up with ~252 credits each, plus an extra 1,209 to 1,424 credits to split between them (at four crew-members, that's +356 credits even at the high end... or a total of 608 credits each) meaning they start well within the level 1 character budget of 1k credits.

Though in some ways the way buying and selling equipment works can be potentially quite frustrating, one of the really, really cool things is that you can actually give your PCs a metric ton of level-appropriate gear and you don't really have to worry about it, too much - each character can only use so much, after all, and when it's time to sell stuff, they're only getting a mild fraction of what it would cost them, plus, even if they proved spontaneously stupidly wealthy, they can't purchase anything more than two levels higher than they are.

Who cares if you give them 500 batteries that they instantly sell? They're gonna gain 3000 credits! Holy cow!

... that'll buy them each a nice level two weapon, maaayyyybe level three (I don't see one, but hypothetically). It's almost enough to allow a couple of them to buy a level four weapon! ... but they can't get that, anyway. And it's neither enough to acquire a level 5, nor is would they be able to purchase that until level three, besides, and that's not going to be too common save in the largest of settlements.

And, yeah, that could mess with DPR, but... not really as much as it might seem, and certainly not as much as that same boost alters PF's balance - and I gave a particularly extreme example.

Anyway, over-all, I wouldn't necessarily recommend dumping hordes of gold credits on them, but if each has a basic and solid set of equipment that works well in most cases, and you throw in a few "this would be nice, but really only if your character did that sort of thing" that should work out quite fine.

I really, really liked Torgo's suggestions, too, but I totally understand and respect the desire to minimize decision paralysis.

Had I thought of it, having a "recycling bay" that allowed you to (semi-literally) "liquidate" unneeded stuff and turn it into useful BP with a fabricated 3d printer would be pretty amazing.

Maybe have it locked behind a super-door or something with a time-release lock and the suggestion that there's a bomb or something like that on the other side. Story point: possibly because of some sort of dangerous infection that got into the room, which was sealed until the infection is guaranteed "clean" or somesuch. I'unno, I'm just spit-balling at this point.

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Tacticslion wrote:

- general-purpose weapons (<#PCs*710>+120): small arms (flare gun, an azimuth laser pistol, and a pulscaster pistol, each), basic melee weapons (tactical baton, survival knife), 20 extra batteries, 4 extra flares (each)

- more advanced gear (3420): ~3 advanced melee (2 standard taclashes, a tactical doshko), ~4 longarms (2 pulsecaster rifles, 2 laser rifles), 1 heavy weapon (azimuth artillary laser), 15 grenades (5 frag g. Is, 5 smoke g.s, 5 sticky bombs)

Is there any specific reason you didn't list any kinetic ranged weapons? Are the energy ones better, for some reason?

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Well, obviously, as everyone knows, it's totally because I nevermakeamistake,ohlookadistraction

*ninja smoke vanish*

No, but really, I only gave extremely basic, "this is good to survive most things" stuff that anyone should be able to use, and should last a while. I didn't know about the kinetic ranged stuff, and it felt a little less scifi. hashtag-dot-shrug!

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Also: holy cow~! Dark Matter is, in fact, super-good inspiration for Starfinder!

(Watching the first episode now.)

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Dude, that's just me nitpicking. Your list gave me a wonderful headstart, shaving a couple hours picking at equipment tables.

I'll throw in a couple kinetic guns just 'cause they look like cheap, disposable gear that will get traded out in the first opportunity.

Also, I'm so happy I got another person hooked on Dark Matter!

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A quick question: In regards to proficiency, what kind of weapons are Carbonedge Shuriken? It just says "special" on the table.

It's another category of proficiency, just like basic melee, advanced melee, heavy weapon, longarm, and small arm. EDIT: As far as I can tell, no one starts with this, but you can get the feat if you have a basic melee weapon proficiency or small arm proficiency, you can get one "special" weapon proficiency with a feat.

EDIT 2: see the Class chapter (each class), and page 152 and 162 (the feats chapter), and page 243.

Btw, I don't have a memorized or comprehensive list of information known to me. I just have a search function.

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Tacticslion wrote:

It's another category of proficiency, just like basic melee, advanced melee, heavy weapon, longarm, and small arm. EDIT: As far as I can tell, no one starts with this, but you can get the feat if you have a basic melee weapon proficiency or small arm proficiency, you can get one "special" weapon proficiency with a feat.

EDIT 2: see the Class chapter (each class), and page 152 and 162 (the feats chapter), and page 243.

So they're like PF's exotic weapons? That's just bonkers! None of those seems like a good use of a feat.

Yeah, I don't think so, either.

Technomancers can get it for a number of minutes equal to their level (minus one minute per actual attack by it for some nonsense reason) by spending a resolve point. Drones can get it with a Weapon Proficiency basic mod (helicopter robots with shuriken, goooooooooo).

But that's about it.

That said, in Starfinder, it seems that, over-all, you really don't need to worry about being as focused on good stuff as it seems.

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I've been doing a lot of fiddling with different things in my own game, and you can generally feel free to go a little overboard on loot if something provides flavor the players will enjoy or a it gives them a fun option to play with. The level 2 and 3 items are BARELY better than level 1 ones, and items only sell back at 10% price, so they aren't going to get filthy rich by selling what they show no interest in.

I've been dropping in a ton of slightly different weapons to give my PCs a chance to play with them, so I can see, for example, if one character prefers ballistic weapons or laser weapons, if they like the AoE weapons or more conventional ones, etc... They've picked up a flame pistol and a tactical arc emitter, and the characters who carry them are already evaluating placement in combat a little more carefully, trying to decide which of their options would be best in a fight.

Also, yeah, what ^^^this guy^^^ says.
I'm agreeing with martinaj said.

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Rune. Ruuuuuuuuuuune. Rune.


We need to talk... Rune.

You got me hooked on a show. Rune.

That I then shared... Rune. I then shared... with my wife.

Rune? Rune. Rune.

We don't have time for this, Rune.

I don't know when we're going to play Starfinder again, now Rune.


I have to admit, tho, if this was me GMing, I'd totally have a dimensional slice longsword, a storm arc pistol, a zenith laser pistol, a tempest arc rifle, and a true photon crystal, and maybe a zenith artillary laser (note the lack of unwieldy); plus one nanotube carbonskin or specialist hardlight series, one vesk monolith III, one jarlslayer, one and a number each prismatic force fields and regeneration tables equal to the PCs hidden somewhere. I'd also replace the backpacks with null space chambers.

But, uh... a lot of folks know that I'm crazy that way. So. XD

Tacticslion wrote:
I have to admit, tho,


Tacticslion wrote:


Tacticslion wrote:

Rune, I'm blaming you for this, 'cause you introduced me to that shoooowwwwww...

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That is a LOT of loot. Of the low-level stuff I placed for my party so far, I think they jump jets are the ones they got the most excited about. In my last game our Solarian used them in tandem with Black Hole to pull a sniper from his roost.

martinaj wrote:
That is a LOT of loot. Of the low-level stuff I placed for my party so far, I think they jump jets are the ones they got the most excited about. In my last game our Solarian used them in tandem with Black Hole to pull a sniper from his roost.

Well, yes. But, I mean, it'd be hidden...

To be clear, at this point it's intentionally silly - I'm suggesting that I would load them up with level 20 equipment from level 1, and enough of it, of the appropriate kinds, that nearly any party combination could use most, if not all, of it. To be clear, I would probably not do this... well, not exactly... >.> ... ... not unless I had really good uses for them to have all the money they'd acquire and/or didn't plan on them having ready access to other things they'd need for quite some time. But if I was going, "Nope, you don't get to choose - I put the equipment" and put the PCs into a place like that, I have a tendency to be exaggeratedly generous, though probably not "level 20 equipment for everybody!" generous. Probably. That said, it does have an upside. After all, twenty levels is a nice long time to get attached to that one blaster of yours that's been super-faithful since level 1... XD

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I'd load them up with level 20 equipment, have the corp they're working for send them somewhere hot. They'd blast apart the opposition like a plasma knife through butter... and then the trap would be sprung. They'd wake up somewhere with no gear, no licenses, and the knowledge that a big old evil corporation that could outfit its goons with level 20 gear wants them dead.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Rune. Ruuuuuuuuuuune. Rune.


We need to talk... Rune.

You got me hooked on a show. Rune.

That I then shared... Rune. I then shared... with my wife.

Rune? Rune. Rune.

We don't have time for this, Rune.

I don't know when we're going to play Starfinder again, now Rune.


Yeah, sorrynotsorry.

I couldn't feel happier that I made you guys get into it. That show provided a lot of fun for me and my ex-fiancée, love to see it get the love it deserves.

Also, I hope you guys will feel sad like me at the end of season 2.

When you're finished with it, go get The Expanse. It's on Netflix.

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Tacticslion wrote:
I have to admit, tho, if this was me GMing, I'd totally have a dimensional slice longsword, a storm arc pistol, a zenith laser pistol, a tempest arc rifle, and a true photon crystal, and maybe a zenith artillary laser (note the lack of unwieldy); plus one nanotube carbonskin or specialist hardlight series, one vesk monolith III, one jarlslayer, one and a number each prismatic force fields and regeneration tables equal to the PCs hidden somewhere. I'd also replace the backpacks with null space chambers.

I will do something like that. There's an extra-special safe inside the smuggle compartments, and it contains some serious loot and at least one person in deep cryostasis. If that person for some reason looks completely identical to the party's Icon, so what?

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Tacticslion wrote:
Rune, I'm blaming you for this, 'cause you introduced me to that shoooowwwwww...

I take full responsability for that with pride.

Scarab Sages

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For starting gear, I set up a thread Right here that has starting gear for characters catagorized and set up. There are a few things to consider, if the PC prefers light or heavy armor, and if they what kind of weapons they use.

Tacticslion wrote:
Rune, I'm blaming you for this, 'cause you introduced me to that shoooowwwwww...
Rune wrote:
I take full responsability for that with pride.


Kinda want to play this, now.


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Yeah, my greatest challenge will be devising the PCs' previous criminal personas AFTER they pick their race-theme-class combos. I thought the Icon would be a pain in the butt, but I have SO many ideas that now I'm hoping that someone picks one.

Any suggestions of possible criminal backgrounds? I think the most difficult ones will be the Mystic and Technomancer. How would those guys use their powers for personal gain? What kind of unlawful careers could they have?

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Tacticslion wrote:

Kinda want to play this, now.


Did you get to finish the series?

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VampByDay wrote:
For starting gear, I set up a thread Right here that has starting gear for characters catagorized and set up. There are a few things to consider, if the PC prefers light or heavy armor, and if they what kind of weapons they use.

I will be diving into that, thanks!

Scarab Sages

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Rune wrote:

Yeah, my greatest challenge will be devising the PCs' previous criminal personas AFTER they pick their race-theme-class combos. I thought the Icon would be a pain in the butt, but I have SO many ideas that now I'm hoping that someone picks one.

Any suggestions of possible criminal backgrounds? I think the most difficult ones will be the Mystic and Technomancer. How would those guys use their powers for personal gain? What kind of unlawful careers could they have?

I think you're going about this all wrong. The problem isn't the class, it's what they do with it. A mystic is definitely capable of being a criminal, especially an overmind, but really, anyone. Star Shaman? Getaway pilot and can also survive without a space suit, so it's super easy for them to steal starships or to help the PCs get into hard-to reach locations (especially with that fly speed.) Healing mystic? Black market Doc who operates without a licence and aids and abets criminals. Do they have Medicine? Great! even lets them do reconstructive surgeries.

Technomancers can just steal starships with computer high enough (especially with Identify, which lets you identify PASSWORDS, effectively giving you a +10 to hacking for one check.) Or they could straight up be a murderer by punching people with a battery in their hand for 4d6 electricity damage.

My advice? Don't focus on their class. Look at what they can do, with skills, spells, and feats.

I've been watching Dark matter, and remember, they all have different skills. Sure, they all are fantastic in a fight, but two also knows starship systems and a bit of Engineering, Four is very tactically minded and has and understanding of infiltration tactics, six mentions that he has (apparently) has some medical training. So ask to see your players character sheets, then make the decision.

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Sounds like I need to check this show out.

Rune wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Kinda want to play this, now.


Did you get to finish the series?

Nope. Season 2. Still extremely angry. At you. I CARED ABOUT <spoiler>, DANG IT.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Goat Lord wrote:
Sounds like I need to check this show out.

If you like your sci-fi somewhat low-budget but your characters interesting, then you really should.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

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