Jungle armor from ISC and entangle.

Rules Questions

So I play a witchdoctor shaman for society, and we recently had a session that brought up a lot of weird questions. The Jungle armor from inner sea combat states "this armor counts as a plant for the purposes of an entangle spell, allowing the spell to originate from the position of the wearer." So,

1. If the armor is the only plant source in the area, who is affected? Everyone inside 40ft of me? Adjacent creatures? Am I affected?

2. Can I do this while flying or otherwise moving? Does the area move with me?

3. If it does entangle everyone within 40 ft, and I can fly doing it, am I now in the center of a 80ft diameter sphere of vines? Do they have weight and mass?

I can find almost nothing on the Jungle armor. The way I envisioned it was the vines were reactive, only springing out to grab the creatures in the area, not filling it with a writhing mass of plants. I even was fine with it also entangling me, seeing that as a fair trade for locking down an area

It could be clearer (in fact it probably couldn't me much less clear), but "allowing the spell to originate from the position of the wearer" seems to me to indicate the intent is that if you are wearing the armor you can target the spell with yourself as the center and it will effect 40' around you, regardless of any native plant life. Similar to mythic entangle.

The effects would be what the entangle spell says, an area 80' across (centered on you) would be difficult terrain, reflex to avoid entangled condition etc. No weight an mass, the area is fixed (you are the center when casting, but after that, it is the area that is effected.) Just as with any other entangle spell, you would be subject to the effects as well.

Basically, the jungle armor makes the area 40' around you count as being plant covered for the purpose of the entangle spell when you cast it. Although it doesn't specifically say it, I would certainly not allow that ability to function if you were not on the ground.

I'll certainly admit others could read it differently. One could even argue that all it does is allow entangle to target the armor and since only you are likely to be in the same square as your armor, the spell would only effect you (absent other plant cover) and since the targets 'plant' would move with you, you would be subject of the entangle for its full duration regardless of where you went. It seems to me that this was designed to be a beneficial ability, not a curse though.

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