
ToloveFLCL's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters.


Texas Snyper wrote:
He would definitely need TK Finesse but it would still be a standard action to reload.

Sorry for the almost 6 year necro but this is the only thread I have seen so far on this, anyway.

My question is, *why?* TK finesse is not a modifier of basic TK, it is a stand alone talent. Itself doesn't describe an action, but the allowance to perform actions at a range of close. This is in line with other utilities that effect talents or actions.

It's also pretty easy to assume that it doesn't take an action itself, since it references slight of hand and disable device. Both of these have their own rules on how long they take, for DD this can be several actions, rounds, or even minutes. If TK finesse required it's own action, you either A wouldn't actually be able to do these things, since you are using your action to maintain it, or B you could accomplish actions in abnormally short times (DD check requires 5 minutes, but TK finesse is a standard actions and says "you can do this thing") as a rough example.
And you wouldn't be able to actually attempt most slight of hand checks, because it would take you 2 rounds (2 standard actions) to attempt.

I think a critical wording here is "you can attempt... Such as checks." Attempting a check would use the action rules of the check, unless otherwise stated, such as on various magical items.

So I play a witchdoctor shaman for society, and we recently had a session that brought up a lot of weird questions. The Jungle armor from inner sea combat states "this armor counts as a plant for the purposes of an entangle spell, allowing the spell to originate from the position of the wearer." So,

1. If the armor is the only plant source in the area, who is affected? Everyone inside 40ft of me? Adjacent creatures? Am I affected?

2. Can I do this while flying or otherwise moving? Does the area move with me?

3. If it does entangle everyone within 40 ft, and I can fly doing it, am I now in the center of a 80ft diameter sphere of vines? Do they have weight and mass?

I can find almost nothing on the Jungle armor. The way I envisioned it was the vines were reactive, only springing out to grab the creatures in the area, not filling it with a writhing mass of plants. I even was fine with it also entangling me, seeing that as a fair trade for locking down an area


My local pfs group ran this today. I havent been playing tabletop for very long, and i started with pathfinder. i was running my lvl 6 kensai, we had a party of 4, ranging between 6th and 8th level. i was not prepared for the remorhaz.

I just stared for a few seconds after finding out what it could do (yay knowledge checks...). A kensai's weapon is the core of their class, without it they lose so much, ac, spell effectiveness, they really fall apart. And i knew that none of us could handle fighting this thing for more than a couple rounds. i finally decided to go at it, spellstriking with shocking grasp. wiffed it on a 2.

But it seemed my dice had plans. next round i did Spell combat, struck it first with the persisting charge from last round. crit, confirmed. weapon barely makes its save. time for next attack, shocking grasp, spellstrike. Nat 20. i rolled to confirm. Nat 20. and again, weapon barely made its check. i had never had the dice rally for me like this. all told i did something like 130 damage, more than enough to drop it in its tracks before it could kill the bard it had its fangs in.

I can see alot of people were disappointed in this session. and yeah, we also nuked it in 2 rounds. but ill be a monkeys uncle if it wasnt the most fun id had with this game in a long time. the fight, the sled chase, even the ridiculous 10 rounds of sickened every time we encounter one of those dang beast men. we made it through the whole thing, intact, and had a great time. and i got probley the most epic kill off in my short career so far.