SnowHeart |

When in battle, you enter a state of metaphysical alignment with cosmic forces. At the start of your first turn in combat, if you are conscious, you must choose one of three stellar modes: graviton, photon, or unattuned (see below).
I'm sure this has been asked before but my searches and Google-Fu have failed me (perhaps due to lack of caffination). What action, if any, does it cost to enter a stellar mode? Swift? Free? Standard? None?

Harley Quinn X |
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Metaphysician wrote:
Yeah. Note that it says, "if you are conscious, you *must* choose one of the modes". You can't *not* choose a mode, unless your literally KOed.
Just remember that being unattuned is its own mode. So you can choose to be unattuned and gain no benefits. (Highlighting mine)
When in battle, you enter a state of metaphysical alignment
with cosmic forces. At the start of your first turn in combat, if
you are conscious, you must choose one of three stellar modes:
graviton, photon, or unattuned (see below).