Jean_Ra-Khum |
Hey everbody, I'm GMing Second Darkness and my players are about to start Memory of Darkness. I have a potential issue though I could use some advice on.
One of my players is playing an CE Suli and I'm not sure how to handle that character entering Thorn's End given the Maleficus Spike. ke/
I know the character doesn't have the evil subtype mentioned in the artifact, but they are still and outsider and of an evil persuasion.
So my questions are:
- should they still be affected by it; perhaps at the 4d6 level?
- do I not have any issue here and they'll be just fine?
Thanks in advance!
LoudKid |
The effect is lessened against non-outsider evil creatures, but they too are affected—such creatures gain a +4 bonus on their Will saves, take only 4d6 points of damage on a failed save, and are nauseated for only 1 minute.
Huh... By RAW neither effect applies...
I would say they'd still take the lesser effect, as that seems to be the intent for general evil creatures.Eisenbaer |
As an Outsider(native) with an evil alignment... they're probably going to be taking a lot of damage, every round.
Under the Evil subtype;
"Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has an evil alignment, no matter what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment."