How do you handle recreating maps from modules?


I'll be most likely running the gallows of madness module for my players this Thursday and will be the first time I use a module. How do you guys recreate some of these maps? They're very detailed and while we do have access to a relatively big chessex map, they maps are also kind of on the big side regardless....POSSIBLY bigger than our chessex map (though not sure, our chessex map is thankfully pretty big). The module in particular has one place with two floors, how would one go about preparing for THAT?


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cmastah wrote:
I'll be most likely running the gallows of madness module for my players this Thursday and will be the first time I use a module. How do you guys recreate some of these maps? They're very detailed and while we do have access to a relatively big chessex map, they maps are also kind of on the big side regardless....POSSIBLY bigger than our chessex map (though not sure, our chessex map is thankfully pretty big). The module in particular has one place with two floors, how would one go about preparing for THAT?

Two floors, you say? Here's what I did last time that came up.

In all seriousness, it entirely depends on what kind of time you want to spend and what kind of, I guess, "production values" you and your group enjoy (hopefully collectively) creating.

One solution is for everyone to chip in on a second reusable battlemap and predraw everything you're going to need on a session-by-session basis.

For the published modules and APs and so on, when I don't build terrain, I tend to use various programs to blow up the map images, digitally edit out the bits the players don't need to see if such editing needs doing, then tile/poster print the results and mount them on foam core. Of course, I buy everything digitally these days, so this suggestion might be glossing over a whole bothersome intermediary step where you have to scan the maps.

That said, doing all that stuff is, like painting miniatures, kind of a whole separate hobby that I happen to enjoy, and if you don't, then yeah, have the players pony up for another map, get out the dry erase markers, and don't sweat the details.

I'll often print out a copy of the full map on a standard sized page and reveal it as the party explores the dungeon. When a fight happens, we move to the full-size grid, where I've sketched (or can quickly draw) the battle area. This saves effort and prevents the tedium of moving models every time anybody does anything.

1inch square paper, draw it out in advance. Make sure to grid reference the paper sheets so they go together.

Thanks guys, I'm seeing some awesome suggestions here. I think I'll follow sabretooth's suggestion of printing out the area and uncovering it as the party explores, and then mapping out the relevant areas when combat commences as Elegos suggested on square paper (my buddy actually has the battlemat).

@Christopher Rowe, any suggestions on how to make the digital pages in the paizo pdfs sharper and larger? I'd take them to a xerox shop, but if they print out a large sheet from the original, the lines will be horribly blurred unless I can give them a sharpened image to work off of. I remember being highly impressed with carrion crown's first adventure with the prison (mansion?), but the thought of drawing out all those details was daunting. I have no experience in this matter, I don't even know what programs to use (although I keep hearing the word 'photoshop' thrown around a lot). Your suggestion sounds pretty awesome, but everything you just said sounds like I just jumped into the deep end of the pool.

(Also your awesomely built map is making me jealous)

Probably not what you are looking for but I will throw it out there anyway as it is how I do it:

Hook a computer up to a large TV and put the map into a virtual tabletop program. Set it up in advance and either use the tabletops built in light system or cover unexplored sections with large black blocks. Fill the area formerly used for the map with additional snacks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
cmastah wrote:
I'll be most likely running the gallows of madness module for my players this Thursday and will be the first time I use a module. How do you guys recreate some of these maps? They're very detailed and while we do have access to a relatively big chessex map, they maps are also kind of on the big side regardless....POSSIBLY bigger than our chessex map (though not sure, our chessex map is thankfully pretty big). The module in particular has one place with two floors, how would one go about preparing for THAT?

No they aren't. The big ground floor fits on a single mega-mat (32x46) easily. The basement and top floor can both be turned to fit together on a single mat as well. If you have a mondo-mat (54x100, or so), all three will fit.

I mostly kick it old school and draw the room on a big Chessex battlemat as the PCs explore. Been doing it that way for 30 years... and that battlemat I bought in 1987 still works great!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Offline: I typically use large gridded pads of paper and draw out the maps out in advance. Take my advice and make what alterations you need to make your maps look good.

For instance if you happen to be running a dungeon where everything is rounded (Book 4 Hell's Rebels *shakes fist*). Just square things as needed. Your players will never know.

If you do choose to go the paper map route I would suggest having a small Chessex and some markers on hand to draw quick unexpected encounters.

Online: I recently discovered Dungeon Painter Studio on Steam and I'll never go back to snapshotting maps from pdfs. Sometimes you can find a map that another DM has gone to great pains to recreate but mostly...

Dungeon Painter Studio is shaping up to be pretty great. I would definitely recommend it.

if you want to go reeeeally old school.. graph paper. plain ol' graph paper. it worked for literally decades before some of these whipersnappers and their fancy virtual tabletops showed up. draw everything out as they explore and when you do encounters, use the battlemat to draw out just the areas involved for miniatures.

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