Goliath druid guide?


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Hey all,

So I was curious if there is a guide to the Goliath Druid out there?

Seems different enough from the standard to need a totally different build.

Thanks all.

I'm actually currently working on one. going to be out soon!


Potato disciple wrote:

I'm actually currently working on one. going to be out soon!



I was thinking VMC Barbarian (if allowed) would be a nice flavor. And it's pretty good for busting heads.


No offense, as I would never write one myself and prolly couldn't even if I wanted to... but that guide seems more like a general description and layout of what you get going Goliath Druid. I can't say for sure, but I think the OP may have been looking for a guide that gives possible build ideas, reach builds, certain ways you can go, type of feats to take etc... like typically every wild shape druid almost has to take Natural Spell, but a Goliath Druid doesn't really have to since you can speak in all those forms and have hands...

not offended. It is more of a general Treantmonk guide, though.

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