Weapon Specialization and grenade launchers

Rules Questions

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weapon specialization wrote:
Benefit: Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades.

If that is the case with the NIL grenade launcher being listed as a heavy weapon. even tho you are causing DMG with grenades you are in fact from all rules using a Heavy weapon so would Weapon Specialization add Extra DMG?

quite confused on this. I can see it being DM ruling. but I don't know if I missed something

They don't get specialization, it's somewhere in the rulebook

core rule book P189 wrote:

NIL Grenade launcher

NIL (an acronym for "neutronic individual launcher") grenade
launchers are the most common grenade launcher available
on the market. NI Ls can be fitted with any sort of grenade as
ammunition. Grenades are loaded individually, rather than in
magazines. You can load different types of grenades into a NIL
grenade launcher, and you can select which grenade to fire as
part of the action used to make an attack.

that is the only text i could find concerning anything doing with grande launchers. in the core rule book.

I think citricking was more referring to the text of the Weapon Specialization feat itself.

Weapon Specialization (Combat) wrote:

You know how to get the full damage out of a weapon type your class doesn’t normally use.

- Prerequisites: Character level 3rd, proficiency with selected weapon type.

- Benefit: Choose one weapon type (small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, etc.). You gain specialization in that weapon type, which means you add your character level to damage with the selected weapon type, or half your character level for small arms or operative melee weapons. You can never have specialization in grenades.

But of course, that does raise another question: is an attack with a Grenade Launcher considered an attack with a Heavy Weapon or an attack with a Grenade?

The Exchange

This is a pretty good question, personally I'd lean towards no, that the launcher is more a grenade accessory, but it's not really clear. I will also admit that that I'd like it to because things like this would make grenades less terrible.

On a related note, could a bombard soldier load his personal grenade into the launcher? I mean he's a heavy weapon expert that's already building hundred thousand credit equipment out of bubblegum and paperclips, why not build it in launchable form. I mean personally unless you're finding them on people this is where I expect 90% of grenades to come from after the first few levels anyway, so it'd be useful to get as much versatility as we can from them.

And on a less related note, can one both shoot and throw a grenade once bought or do we need to denote grenade launcher ammo when buying.

@darkling36 alot of the things you said bring of the main problem. It is not explained enough. For most weapons in both pathfinder and Starfinder It is always the weapon that deal the DMG and not the ammo. You could ask this same question for the Explosive arrows for the bow, it is just not explained enough

Like. the best example I can bring up is. Is attacking with a bow or gun. attacking with the weapon or is attacking with the arrow/bullet?

Personally I would rule for it working. for the simple fact of. By the rules unless stated somewhere. From all past examples, IT's the weapon dealing DMG and not the ammo. The ammo only modifies how the weapon deals that DMG.

I think alot of this is just a written problem. hence mostly up to the DM. but it's still something I am just trying to get Others opinion on.

I'd say it would..
Its classified as a heavy weapon. ammo on anything else does not make a difference. Would need a specific statement to change the norm there.
I they were wanting it that other way, then it should've been under the grenade proficiency to use the launcher. Its in heavy weapons. so the heavy weapon rules over it.
If it was just a grenade accessory it should fall under grenade proficiency not heavy weapons.

Same with the bow (though I don't remember if you can get spec on that very easily anyway.. but that is quite expensive.)
Grenades specify they're not allowed with specilization. But that is using the term for the whole category of proficiency. (can only mean that considering it envelopes all grenades)
If it changed for this specific thing, that would set a precedent for other items.
If they want to change this and prevent the specialization bonus (not a big deal imo) they should move it to grenade proficiency. Would also makes sense in that regard anyway. It is heavy, but it is also a fairly different skill set than most(but not all) otehr heavy weapons

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Page 59: "Grenades, missiles, and other consumable weapons never add specialization damage, even when you’re using weapons like a cyberbow or grenade launcher."

Does make me wonder where I can get a cyberbow though. :P

Only works if you re beating them with the rocket launcher

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