Cernunnos obedience and boons

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

For those of you who don't know, Cernunnos(stats) is the the empyreal lord of fertility, seasons and wild animals. The fact that he appears in the bestiary and is CR 30(aka not a deity) made his absence from the Chronicle of the Righteous was very noticeable. Since I am unable to find his obedience and boons anywhere (including the pathfinder wiki, D20PFSRD and the archives of nethys), am I doing something wrong? And if none were officialy released by paizo, how would one go about homebrewing their own(slipping into homebrew teritory, I know)?



Silver Crusade

*scratches head*

I've never noticed that before (mostly because the Empyreal Lord didn't interest me so I didn't look that hard).

I guess he doesn't have any.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well rysky I am always interested in you
*reaches for a hug*
*realises is a potato*

Silver Crusade

*hugs the potato*

Silver Crusade

I'd say to wait for Paizo to release more deity books.

Book of the Damned Hardcover is coming out that will probably detail the evil demigods and quasi-deities.

While they do have Inner Sea Gods hardcover, I imagine they do might want to create a Hardcover Chronicle of the Righteous that contained Inner Sea Gods, the softcover Chronicle of the Righteous, and Inner Sea Faiths and the remaining gods they missed out.

There'll probably be something for Proteans and Axiomites to fulfill the Lawful and Chaotic stuff. Because in the lore, the Angel Tabris wrote 3 books, Book of the Damned, Chronicle of the Righteous and Concordance of Rivals. The last one being something that Paizo has not made a book of.

I'm waiting for Paizo to release a book on the Osirian Deities. I wonder if they'll cover any other Earth deities.

I wouldn't count on a book about different outsiders on the ole alignment axis.

Paizo doesn't believe in product synergy just for the sake of it, it's gotta have something to get the creative team excited.

Same with a hardcover Chronicles of the Righteous, especially if they still have some in the warehouse.

Oh I see. Just a waiting game then.

Whoopsies! I just noticed in my CotR copy that he is listed as a "lesser empyreal lord" and is given two lines of description. seeing as he is cr30, this is very strange to me. Oh well.

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