are durable adamantine arrows PFS legal?

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 5/5

I have been told that durable adamantine arrows - and in fact durable arrows - are not PFS legal...

Not to say I don't take everything I hear at the PFS table as actually true, but...

Is this true?

I had planned to drop 3050 GP to pick up a quiver of 50... can I do this in PFS?

1/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion
Equipment: clustershot, healer's sorrow, and sparkfly crystal arrow weapon qualities and alchemical archery items, except trip arrows, on pages 22-23 are legal for play; Gods: all gods on page 10; Traits: all traits on page 15 except Kyonin Gatekeeper and Lapsed Faith

If I recall correctly, durable arrows are under the alchemical archery item section, so if you have the source, they are legal according to Additional Resources.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You can, my suggestion is to get cold iron and 'blanch' some to adaqmntine

Waaaaayyy cheaper

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Yea, they are legal if you have the proper source as Hammerjack has indicated.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Thomas Graham wrote:

You can, my suggestion is to get cold iron and 'blanch' some to adamantine

Waaaaayyy cheaper

Keep in mind that blanches do not overcome the hardness that is sometimes associated with adamanite. Also, arrows from the Elves of Golarion book can be purchased individually, not necessarily in lots of 50.

I personally hold 10 durable adamanite arrows and about 50 durable cold iron arrows.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Thomas Graham wrote:

You can, my suggestion is to get cold iron and 'blanch' some to adaqmntine

Waaaaayyy cheaper

In general, I agree. It's not a bad idea to have a handful of durable Adamantine arrows around for things with hardness, though. Adamantine blanche doesn't get through that. Just DR. If you're playing anything in Season 6, definitely have a few real Adamantine arrows. And pretty much any season after that you could run into technology/robots.

But 50 seems like overkill in the extreme.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

My bard carries an efficient quiver with 20 normal durable, 20 cold iron durable, 20 adamantine durable and silver/ghost salt blanches.

Remember that blanches can be carried over between scenarios - since each blanch covers 10 arrows, you may not use them all up.

Paizo Employee 4/5 5/55/55/5 ***** Designer

What difference does durable make?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Northern Dreamer wrote:
What difference does durable make?

They don't get destroyed when they are used.

If they have enchantments on them, the enchantment is consumed when it hits but are still durable.

The Exchange 5/5

While I have/own "Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion", I was planning on using the Access from the "Pathfinder Player Companion: Alchemy Manual" as it has more types of arrows (or at least seems to have more). That way I don't have to lug around as many books...

it's just that I keep bumping into players at the local venue that will say things like: "oh, that's been changed in an FAQ..." or "That's not legal..." ... it's trying to push me back into just playing CORE. To many arguments any more.

The "buy them in 50" is just avoiding another argument about whether I can buy them in smaller lots (without a special Boon for it, after all "they wouldn't have created a Boon if you could just buy them without it!" shesh...) :-(

anyway - thanks everyone for the reassurance...

Paizo Employee 4/5 5/55/55/5 ***** Designer

Friendly "Fire" wrote:

While I have/own "Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion", I was planning on using the Access from the "Pathfinder Player Companion: Alchemy Manual" as it has more types of arrows (or at least seems to have more). That way I don't have to lug around as many books...

it's just that I keep bumping into players at the local venue that will say things like: "oh, that's been changed in an FAQ..." or "That's not legal..." ... it's trying to push me back into just playing CORE. To many arguments any more.

The "buy them in 50" is just avoiding another argument about whether I can buy them in smaller lots (without a special Boon for it, after all "they wouldn't have created a Boon if you could just buy them without it!" shesh...) :-(

anyway - thanks everyone for the reassurance...

So does that mean you can retrieve them without issue? Even in PFS? And while enchantments wouldn't last (like blanches?) the arrow type would (Adamantine, cold iron, etc...)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

In most cases you retrieve them. GM call as always.

If the bow has conserving on it the missed arrow returns to the quiver. And the enhancement is not lost. That is way you are more likely to get the arrows back from the bodies.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Friendly "Fire" wrote:

it's just that I keep bumping into players at the local venue that will say things like: "oh, that's been changed in an FAQ..." or "That's not legal..." ... it's trying to push me back into just playing CORE. To many arguments any more.

The "buy them in 50" is just avoiding another argument about whether I can buy them in smaller lots (without a special Boon for it, after all "they wouldn't have created a Boon if you could just buy them without it!" shesh...) :-(

anyway - thanks everyone for the reassurance...

As long as you have your sources printed out, they can't say anything. If they claim something is counter to what you have in print, ask them to show you. The burden of proof is on them at that point.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

What might have confused them is that some of the specialty arrows from Elves of Golarion are no longer legal. Most notably the trip arrows, which use 3.5 trip rules.

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