How do light sources work?

Rules Questions

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So let's take a flashlight. The description of the item page 220 says it increases the light level by one step in a 20-foot cone.

If I understand correctly, there are 4 light levels in Starfinder:
- Bright light
- Normal light
- Dim light
- Darkness.

So if I bring a flashlight in a dark room, the 20-foot cone in front of me goes up one level and becomes dim light, right?

But normal light is supposed to include "light from a flashlight" and dim light "an area just beyond the range of a light source".

So which is it? Is it like Pathfinder where a torch emits normal light in a 20-foot radius and there's a 20-foot radius of dim light around it?


I think you have it.

A flashlight would add little to any to a normal light source.

A Flash Light is a 20foot cone of Normal light, and outside that a Dim area.

As the flash light is moving, mostly in the direction the holder is using, the 20 foot cone gives the Normal area for the small movements one does with the flash light.

The Dim area should be something like 10 feet beyond the Normal cone in all directions but straight back where the holder is.

An X File Style light, like a Dive Light or one in a Salvage Kit, might be larger but produce, Bright, Normal, Dim.
Say 30 Feet Cone Bright, 15 Feet Normal added to sides and front, 10 Feet more added at Dim, then Darkness.
So Dim would be out at 45 to 55 foot area.

Also a Flashlight could be easily made to do a 180 forward or on a pop up on armor to be above the head might become a Radius light source.

As for official ruling that may take some time to see.

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By emitting photons to illuminate a dark area, but that's not important right now.

Thanks LeeSw, but I'd love to get an official ruling.

Could you guys please hit the FAQ button?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It looks like baseline lighting is dim, rather than dark. Most places have those handy emergency lights.

I'd go with the item description until we get an answer. Flashlights increase the level of light by one. In a totally dark structure, that means dim lighting.


Excellent for spooky space horror.

The Exchange

Kasathas have four arms...3 flashlights and a gun

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