
Dead Suns

I saw that Pathfinder APs eventually had pawn box releases. Do we expect something similar with Starfinder? Does it drop after the 6th book or when? My group is finishing up another RPG campaign 3-4 sessions left so we plan to start this in October and I'm figuring out my pawn situation in the meantime :)

Liberty's Edge

Yes, the first Pawn accessory based on the Core Rulebook has already been releasd. We can expect one based on the Alien Archive and Dead Suns AP at some point as well.

Steel_Wind wrote:
Yes, the first Pawn accessory based on the Core Rulebook has already been releasd. We can expect one based on the Alien Archive and Dead Suns AP at some point as well. fact, the Alien Archive Pawn Box has already been announced.

bugleyman wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Yes, the first Pawn accessory based on the Core Rulebook has already been releasd. We can expect one based on the Alien Archive and Dead Suns AP at some point as well. fact, the Alien Archive Pawn Box has already been announced.

I saw that one. I guess my question is when in an AP do they release the pawn box? Near the beginning midpoint of after its completed?

KennedyHawk wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Yes, the first Pawn accessory based on the Core Rulebook has already been releasd. We can expect one based on the Alien Archive and Dead Suns AP at some point as well. fact, the Alien Archive Pawn Box has already been announced.
I saw that one. I guess my question is when in an AP do they release the pawn box? Near the beginning midpoint of after its completed?

Usually after it is complete. Which makes sense from a development point-of-view, but sucks at the time, especially in this case. :/

KennedyHawk wrote:
I saw that Pathfinder APs eventually had pawn box releases. Do we expect something similar with Starfinder? Does it drop after the 6th book or when? My group is finishing up another RPG campaign 3-4 sessions left so we plan to start this in October and I'm figuring out my pawn situation in the meantime :)

They haven't announced one for this AP yet and although I'd expect one, it's worth noting that Paizo are taking a fresh look at the way they release material - Starfinder isn't always exactly like Pathfinder (there was no Player's Guide, for example).

If they do launch one, it's unlikely to be before book six releases - they don't have all the artwork yet or possibly even know all the antagonists, though that is presumably close to nailed down.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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We will do one, and it'll be after the sixth volume releases. I WISH there were a way to get these things out earlier than that, but as they are built using the art for the AP, and as that art is generated during the process of making the individual volumes and not before, it's really got to work this way.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi Erik

Just an idea could we not pay for the Pawn set and get a pdf just for the AP's that have been released.

So a full set of Pawns for all six AP's would be say $30, I would pay this and you would send me a pdf for AP1, then when AP2 came out the PDF would be updated in "My Downloads" to include AP1 and AP2 etc then at the end if the customer also ordered a physical copy it would then be sent to them.

Sort of like a pre-order system with a little benefit for the subscriber, alternately as part of the subscription service and only that, include a pdf of the pawns needed for that AP only.

Just a thought please feel free to run with/totally ignore as required.



I totally agree Marcus and just feel that paizo should offer an optional extra pdf of the pawns for each AP volume
plus, I would also suggest printable maps for the volume that can
be printed/taped together to make larger playmats

There's so much depth in these adventures, why not show it off with nice accessories when they launch.

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I would definitely buy map packs that had printable maps the size that fits a mini.

Beautiful map art that I can't use, because it has really tiny squares.

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The issue with scaling up the AP maps to battlemat size has always been one of quality.

They are essentially commissioned as artwork (I believe even the grid is produced by the artist, which is why the scaling is sometimes odd) at a given resolution to be printed at a given size. If they were to blow them up to 1 inch per square scale they would be pixelated and have lots of empty squares or inappropriate texture.

As I understand it Paizo are not prepared to release something as ugly as that as a finished product. Nor is it feasible to get all the maps reproduced at a higher resolution - doing so would greatly inflate the cost.

In terms of a 'update as we go' PDF, I suspect it's not feasible due to the work required in porting images over to a file ready for release (with associated editting, formatting and copy protecting work) that customers will not be prepared to pay for. I wouldn't mind betting that releasing a PDF then updating it six times during the year is going to cost multiple times what the one-off "release when we're finished" PDF does.

I'm not particularly knowledgeable about publishing, nonetheless I think it's worth remembering that producing a product for sale is more involved than just cutting and pasting various documents together the way we may do at home.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi Steve

You could be correct about the costs and I fully understand, it was a nice idea while it lasted, as for the maps, I'll have to dust off Campaign Cartographer again and produce a rough version for use in the game and buy the proper ones when they come out.


Don't get me wrong - I'm all for bugging Erik for more cool products. :)

A product replicating the maps of an AP is something that's come up lots of times. However, I don't think I've ever heard your idea for AP-Pawn-sets-by-increments before. Don't let me stop you continuing to lobby for cool ideas. If they can make it work, I'll buy at least one, I'm sure!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I made my own pawns by copying the images from the PDF and printing them. I forgot the Drift Dead so she will be a Void Zombie.

I even copied the NPCs who they will fight onto pawns as well.

I will see tonight how it works out.

The Exchange

I may have to do the "Make your own pawns" route, but to be honest, so far I've just been using the basic box for everything. I did use the Akata out of one of the Pathfinder boxes though.

For the maps, I went to Staples and printed them out big. I'm probably not supposed to do that, but I'm not letting anyone use the maps but me in my home game. They look GORGEOUS! The loss of resolution at this level has no impact at all as far as I am concerned, and the players really like them.

Fusion Queen 1

Fusion Queen 2

Fusion Queen 3

Fusion Queen 4

I wouldn't wander in the photos too much though - just a fat old man posting his crappy Warhammer paintings.

EDIT: I would DEFINITELY pay an additional fee for the map art in the format the artist submits. We've had so much fun playing on these maps that it is easily worth it to me.

Silver Crusade

Aren't the maps created digitally? It wouldn't be hard to have them created at the necessary resolution to start with.

Mr. Hunter wrote:
Aren't the maps created digitally? It wouldn't be hard to have them created at the necessary resolution to start with.

It’s an old memory, but I seem to remember that they are often generated by hand. (Or largely so, if not entirely - I’m not really sure).

Either way, I believe the resolution factors into the cost, so ordering them at a higher resolution than necessary for their size in the book would increase the price.

The Exchange

Steve Geddes wrote:
Mr. Hunter wrote:
Aren't the maps created digitally? It wouldn't be hard to have them created at the necessary resolution to start with.

It’s an old memory, but I seem to remember that they are often generated by hand. (Or largely so, if not entirely - I’m not really sure).

Either way, I believe the resolution factors into the cost, so ordering them at a higher resolution than necessary for their size in the book would increase the price.

Steve, I believe a number of digital artists have chimed in to say that the cost isn't limiting.

Completing at the higher resolution is no harder.

I was thinking it was more size of the file and the issue that makes for PDFs, but again a digital artists posted somewhere that file size is really negligible with the right format.

So probably it's more on the end of Paizos publishing model (how they put together the PDFs ) than it is from the cost and digital size of the files.

Wrath wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Mr. Hunter wrote:
Aren't the maps created digitally? It wouldn't be hard to have them created at the necessary resolution to start with.

It’s an old memory, but I seem to remember that they are often generated by hand. (Or largely so, if not entirely - I’m not really sure).

Either way, I believe the resolution factors into the cost, so ordering them at a higher resolution than necessary for their size in the book would increase the price.

Steve, I believe a number of digital artists have chimed in to say that the cost isn't limiting.

Completing at the higher resolution is no harder.

I could well be misremembering - both that the maps are drawn by hand and then converted to digital and that increasing the resolution would increase the cost.

Nonetheless, my recollection was that going higher resoltion so that the map could be blown up bigger without pixellation (is that what we're discussing?) would increase the cost (as well as the file size).

I seem to remember there also being an issue with regard to the textures - that something which looks reasonable in the book would look silly blown up to inchwide squares (?) That's also just a hazy memory though.

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