
sabelonada's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Please cancel my following subscriptions:

Pathfinder Rulebook
Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Starfinder Maps
Starfinder Accessories

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Actually, can this order be cancelled?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I put in this order before the shutdown. If it cannot be combined with my order waiting to be processed, Order 18485761, can I get an estimated date for it to be processed?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Thank you

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

No. I was not assisted. I emailed before the order was even processed and it still sold me the unwanted AP book. Now the order has processed and shipped. I now have to consider the disposition of all my subscriptions.

Thank you for not helping at all.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I have plenty for now. Thank you

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Does it have the same content as the landscape version? Or are there differences beyond formatting?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

That defeats one of the purposes of a subscription, getting the free PDF. If I am paying full price and have to buy the PDF, I may as well go to Amazon or my FLGS. Then Paizo loses out on a full retail sale.

If I cannot start at the beginning and get the full set, why bother?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I have the items in my shopping cart and I won't buy them unless this is addressed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I want to start a subscription with the Pathfinder 2nd Edition CRB however the site won't let me.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

It is inconvenient to scroll through these large PDFs on smaller devices. It isn’t the storage that is the issue but the render time. This makes the PDFs less appealing if the solution is “buy a faster tablet”.

Again, if the PDF is so large that using it on a smaller tablet is inconvenient, the worth of it drops dramatically. If the PDFs are of negligible value, then the value offered by being a subscriber likewise diminishes. I can support my local game store for hard copy purchases. I will end up buying fewer products because I don’t have a subscription. Those purchases won’t be at full retail value to Paizo but rather wholesale. That’s less cash flow for Paizo.

I was considering starting a subscription for the second edition of Pathfinder. However that decision is unlikely given that the rulebook may only be offered in a monolithic PDF. The original Pathfinder PDF at least offered a “lite” version.

This to me is a hobby and an unnecessary expense. I don’t need to make these purchases but Paizo needs customers to make purchases. If the upcoming Starfinder player rulebook doesn’t come with chapter PDFs, I will probably cancel my subscriptions once I finish the then current AP.

That’s my customer feedback.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

It was an easy method to provide the background, especially for the Aeon throne.

For rule books especially, I read the chapters on tablets so I don't have to load the entire gargantuan PDF into a small tablet. Losing that ability lessens the utility of the PDF provided by a subscription.

The take away from that is, if I don't use the PDFs, the subscription becomes less useful. If the subscription becomes less useful I am much less likely to purchase some of the products.

Simply put, if rulebooks don't come with by chapter PDFs, I may very well cancel my subscriptions.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

For the Signal of Screams and Dawn of Fire APs, I cannot download single chapter PDFs. They are unavailable.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I can download the Dead Suns AP as a single file per PDF. This isn't an option for the others. The single file per chapter is useful as I can read a smaller PDF instead of one massive file.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This is still occurring.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Did I miss the Flaw for Strength in your build?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I just tried again and received the same result. Some of the PDFs are present in the file but not all.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I am unable to download the Empire of Bones one file per chapter version of the PDFs. The other version works but that one produces a version without all the files.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I have moved and need to update the payment information for these orders. I have created a new payment method with the correct address on your site.

However your website doesn't allow me to change the payment method to the updated address. This is causing the orders to fail. Please help me in resolving this inadequacy in your systems so I can get my orders processed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Wrath wrote:
rixu wrote:

One question which was left hovering in my head after finishing the book: How is it that even through VISUAL examination of the Drift Rock the characters can't see the huge hangar doors going to area D9? The book dismisses this as the meteors sensor-disruptive qualities but if it is blocked by an active hologram it should mention it. And I can't see why/how the hangar would be disguised anyway.

I know there must be a way to give them the ship AND stop them from going to the final boss as first thing, but still there could have been more elegant ways to handle this so it would not raise questions from players or GM.

Otherwise I really liked the adventure and can't wait for part 2 :)

It mentions that one side appears cleanly sheared off from a bigger piece. This is where I'm picturing the hangar door. Given the length of time it's been in Drift space, I'm working in the idea that the entire outer surface is scarred and stained a ubiquitous colour from exposure. This means the doors too.

I thought the description of the hangar says that the doors are concealed by a technomagical hologram.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I made my own pawns by copying the images from the PDF and printing them. I forgot the Drift Dead so she will be a Void Zombie.

I even copied the NPCs who they will fight onto pawns as well.

I will see tonight how it works out.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Anyone arguing that a Bull Rush or similar enables the attacker to take an AoO must also accept that the target gets to perform a similar AoO against the attacker. Tit for tat.

The attacker has to continue moving with the target to trigger.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Forced movement doesn’t trigger an AoO on the part of the pushed because an AoO has to be resolved before the action. Since the target of the forced movement hasn’t triggered the AoO before the attack, it is impossible to resolve it before the action.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Regardless, it is impossible to make an AoO before the Bull Rush action. Nothing triggers an AoO on the part of the target of the Bull Rush.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

No, forced movement does not provoke AoO.

One, the target is NOT taking a move action. Move has a narrow definition in the game.

Bull Rush says the target is "knocked back", not "moved."

Besides, the last paragraph of Attacks of Opportunity pretty much eliminates this nonsense, emphasis added.


Attacks of opportunity are always resolved before the action

that triggers them. You don’t take a penalty to the attack roll
when making an attack of opportunity in the same round you
took a full attack, but you do take any other attack penalties
that would normally apply to your attacks. Making an attack
of opportunity does not affect your ability to make attacks
normally when it is your turn.

The AoO cannot be provoked or triggered because it would happen before the Bull Rush. The target has not been knocked back.

edited for clarity/emphasis

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I think the effort to simplify the AoO rules are the cause of this confusion. I don’t think that forced movement causes the target to provoke an attack of opportunity. It historically has not. When a target is forced back the target is not the subject and moving. It is the direct object of the action causing the movement. The target is not moving but rather it is being moved.

This is the way it works in other d20 systems unless special rules are in effect. For example a feat or feature which causes the movement to provoke attacks of opportunity.

A character can provoke an attack of opportunity by choosing to move, “the opponent moves” is the text. It does not say “the opponent leaves or is moved out of”. The target’s action provokes the attack of opportunity, not those of an opponent.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Deadmanwalking wrote:
I'm just about positive this doesn't work. It probably runs up against the 'class abilities don't work in starship combat unless they specifically say so' thing, but even if not, I' don't think you can be said to 'wield' a Starship Weapon on a mechanical level. You certainly fire them. But wield them? No.

I argued for hours that the fact the character does not physically touch the weapon means the character doesn’t wield it. There is one person who stubbornly holds that the controls are part of the weapon and using them meets the criteria for “wield” according to RAW.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Also in the discussion is whether or not a PC in the Gunner role “wields” a starship weapon. The argument for being that the control console is part of the weapon so by using it the player is wielding the starship weapon.

No, this isn’t my logic.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Why would the PDF be delayed a month?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I am also having an issue with the binding on my Limited Edition as well. I have sent a couple emails. Another was just sent because the book is giving its best effort to come apart.