Ravingdork |
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We can see the stars again!
But it doesn't really sit well with me that my highly trained sniper (+15 Stealth) is going to automatically get spotted from 10,000 feet away by literally everyone while sniping (-5 Perception DC).

kevsurp |
remember the terrain you in effects how far u can see
Stealth and Detection in a Forest
In a sparse forest, the maximum distance at which a creature can
succeed at a Perception check to detect the presence of others is
3d6×10 feet. In a medium forest, this distance is 2d8×10 feet, and
in a dense forest it is 2d6×10 feet.

The Mad Comrade |

That makes some sense accounting for range and environmental factors ... but no so much for smaller/bigger things. The old -1/10' universal penalty understandably goes away for vision-based checks. It makes sense to retain in for auditory-based checks (as this is explicitly mentioned in the forest environments section re: encounter distance), and a greater penalty for olfactory-based checks (-2 or -5 per 10' or something playable).
As an aside, I was really hoping they'd put the unusual senses into a range increment format more often than not.