Biology / Xenobiology


Warning: Not a serious question.

A scholar who chooses Life Science must declare a specialization.

Among the choices are biology and xenobiology.

In a spacefaring, multi species universe, what makes bio into xeno?

We are given bioengineering, botany, ecology, genetics, and zoology as other choices, but not xeno- versions of them.

Secondary question: If I wanted the theme bonus in my Life Science specialty to apply to the craft food and drink aspect of the skill, what should I be specializing in?
I'm thinking biology/xenobiology.

Xenobiology would be more of a theoretical field. It would be less rooted in a retention of information, more rooted in being able to make educated guesses at how that Schnormangwizgle can exist in an atmosphere of pure saltwater taffy. I guess?

Biology is focused on your own species. Xenobiology focuses on alien species.

The Exchange

I doubt a published adventure will say DC 20 knowledge xenobiology. Vesk characters must use biology instead.

Its all lifescience. You just have a bit of fluff based on specialization. The theme does not limit the +1 to your specialty.

If you want the reduced dc to remember...botany seems legit. I can see bioengineering and zoology as amusing options. But all can apply to food.

Fardragon wrote:
Biology is focused on your own species. Xenobiology focuses on alien species.

I believe this is the intent of the writers (RAI)... but funny to note that it is not the meaning of xeno in reality.

Xenobiology is creating synthetic life to better understand biology and the origin of life.

Astrobiology or Exobiology applies to alien life.


You could use botony for tofu.. or bacteria vat protein extraction... yummie.

I agree with GeneticDrift; the +1 bonus applies to any use of the skill. The specialization just lowers the DC to recall knowledge by 5.

I think biology should help to identify creatures. A DM could limit that to animals, or those native to your region.

Biology could be used for recognizing and recalling details about known species, while xenobiology could be used for inferring information about a life form that you have no previous information about.

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