Lord Mhoram |

Iron Heroes - a d20 game for Sword and Sorcery that had virtually no healing had a very similar idea.
You had your hit points, then you had a pool of "virtual" hit points (don't remember what it was called) of the same value. When you took damage you would replace HP with the "virtual points" after the fight a certain amount per round or minute or whatever until you were fully healed. When you ran out of the virtual pool, then you just took damage.
Similar idea and reasons.
It let you play without a healer (as the game really had none).
It let you get wounded and recover, but it did slowly drain away another resource.
It was meant as an out of combat healing - so if a really nasty fight happened, they couldn't heal in combat.
So it worked as a reinforcement of theme, as a pacing mechanic and still allowing fora nasty encounter to threaten the party.
Personally pretty much every rule change from Pathfinder to Starfinder is one I liked. Planning on using Stamina/HP system to Pathfinder, just so no one needs to play a heal-bot.

kevsurp |
Well you could do what spycraft does have HP and wounds. hps you gain per level but wounds = con score. in that system if you get crit the damage comes off wounds. you go neg con you die. so if you have let say 112 hp and 22 con so that 22 wounds
you get hit with a gun that does 3d10 comes off hp if you get hit with a crit then 6d10 comes off wounds. so basicly higher chance of pc deaths as is more realistic

Mark Carlson 255 |
After hearing about the Stam/HP idea a GM in Europe is adding the following House Rule:
Cup of Healing (cup on table): Pay 1/2 to 5 Euro (depending on amount you are wounded and the point in the adventure you are at, price is decide by the GM and can vary from PC to PC even at the same point in time.) and your PC is healed.