Issues downloading the PDF

Website Feedback

The Exchange

Anyone else unable to get the downloads actually working? Mine keeps dropping out about a quarter of the way through the file.

I've tried both files (single and chapter) and done the "press here if having trouble" options. No joy. Two hours sitting at the same spot.

I'm using an iPad, which has never had an issue downloading any of my other PDFs.

The Exchange

Seems it's a server issue. I can't download any of my PDFs today. It keeps dropping me out of the system. I have to resign in everytime and then the same thing happens. 1/4 progress bar, then nothing. System drop out.

Frustrating much.

Same problem here. The download starts slow and completly stops after about half an hour/quater the document.

I'm not surprised, Starfinder might be more popular than the first humble bundle they had. :-)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Plus, anyone who was late getting to Gen Con and found the core rulebook sold out is probably using their hotel wi-fi to try to download a PDF of it.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
I'm not surprised, Starfinder might be more popular than the first humble bundle they had. :-)

While that's true, it's not helping me make my character for tonight's proposed game. Looks like we will have to reschedule since all of us are having the same issue. Sigh.

It's an issue of volume, from what I've seen. The Paizo servers are working correctly, but the demand is way, way outside their usual range (despite heavy upgrades this year in response to the humble bundle episodes).

They're aware of the problem and are working on solutions. Unfortunately, those are unlikely to come in time to help with Starfinder's release. All we can do is keep trying.

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It has been my experience, when download on my iPad, that the progress bar fills about a quarter of the way and then sits at that point a long time even while downloading. I just downloaded the single-file version of the rules to my desktop where I could see the progress and status better and it took over an hour. I had not been waiting that long on my iPad, so I can't be sure it was actually failing rather than just taking a long time without updating the progress bar.

The Exchange

Thanks Bill. I'm about to change the auto turn off setting in the iPad and then try again. I'll just let it sit and see how I go.

Wrath wrote:
Thanks Bill. I'm about to change the auto turn off setting in the iPad and then try again. I'll just let it sit and see how I go.

Hopefully things will improve as America goes to sleep.

I left my download running overnight (UK time) and, after 7 hours it had managed to download only 60.3MB and indicated that the download still had over a day to run(!)

Needless to say this is disappointing.

The Exchange

Well traffic must have dropped off. I'm getting steady progress now.

Also, thanks to whomever moved the thread, I had no idea what section to post the original question.

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