DC 70

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Been thinking of making a thread in Rules so this can be FAQed, but I'm still reading over the rules myself, so to keep it kinda succint how about:

Starship Combat DCs scaling too hard? wrote:

The various actions that can be performed during starship based combat go off of the formula of a 10-20 base DC plus 1-3 x your starship's tier. While this isn't much of a problem at early levels these DCs soon quickly surpass the bonuses any of all but the most dedicated characters who have invested everything into that specific skill.

For example the Pilots attempting a Maneuver action to reduce their distance inbetween turns the formula is (DC = 15 + 2 × your starship’s tier).

So for a Tier 1 ship the DC would be 17.
Tier 5 would be DC 25.
Tier 10 would be DC 35.
Tier 15 would be DC 45.
Tier 20 would be DC 55.

Were the DCs supposed to become harder and harder as the Ship’s tier rose, or were they supposed to be based off another factor such as ship’s size? As it is now it seems rather odd that it is easier to perform actions on lower tier ships with lower grade parts but trying to perform the same actions on a higher tier ship with better equipment is harder if not outright impossible for most.

Any suggestions?

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I already started this thread.

It seems to have dropped way down the page because the issue was extensively discussed in this thread, among others, before I posted the question for FAQing.

Liberty's Edge

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Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Any suggestions?

Use an actual 3x example. It's less confusing, and, frankly, the 2x actions are doable. You can succeed at a DC 55 check at Tier 20 on a 6 with a computer assist and some focus on the skill in question.

DC 70? Not so much.

So my example would be:

Tier 6 would be DC 28
Tier 10 would be DC 40
Tier 15 would be DC 55
Tier 20 would be DC 70

PC skill levels, even with computer assists, basically can't reach the levels needed to ever make these checks at higher levels.

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@David, ah, I had looked to see if anyone had already started one but I missed yours >_<

@Dead, yeah I should have, I just picked the Manuever one because I figured it would be one of the most common.

Thankies to both of you though.

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Just recapping a few things.

Ship Size does not equate to Ship Tier.
A Medium Ship can easily be Max Tier.

The Ship Stunts, Actions, and so on as written, do not grant a better result for higher DC.

So Action in a Tier 1 Ship might be DC 17, and in a Tier 20 Ship the DC is 55, the effect it does in most cases is the same.

Ship Size does not seem to be a factor in the Stunts, many things are, but the sheer size of the Ship only gets a slight nod from how manuvureable it is, and that has little effect.

So perhaps, Tier should not be the factor for DC.

A Stunt or Action, should have a DC set for how hard it is to do.
Modded by the Size of Ship, Speed, and the other factors.

If the DC ends up being a 25, a level 1 PC will struggle with it, as a level 20 would have no issue.
But if the level 20 was wanting a greater effect, than the base DC gives, then the DC rises.
Say to double the effect which will need tweaking on some things of course, but lets start simple.

To double the effect you double the DC plus 5, to triple it triple plus 10 and so on.

Or to combine 2 things at one time, Double +5.

In this way how far to push it would be the players call, as the higher skilled would be able to get more out of a ship.

I will try and layout this for each Action, later today.

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In homebrew put a post setting the DCs for Stunts and such towards Mass not Tier.

Also some ideas on dealing with Captain actions.

With few new Actions, with others expanded effects for players wanting to do more.

Starship Combat

Dark Archive

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The dev team has acknowledged the issue and is looking into correcting it:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2uizv?Space-combat-skill-DC-progression-issue#1 5

The Cyber Mage wrote:

The dev team has acknowledged the issue and is looking into correcting it:

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2uizv?Space-combat-skill-DC-progression-issue#1 5

That is good news, I hope they do a good job.

Also that they see the other areas it has cropped into.

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