Ship Builder Spreadsheet

General Discussion

The ship building rules really take me back to Car Wars. :)

In that vein I've bashed up a spreadsheet to create ships.

If the powers-that-be have no problem with it, I'd like to post a link here to it to let other folks have at it.

It's an ODS file (Open Office Calc Spreadsheet). I don't have Excel so I won't make any claims that it will work in Excel. Although there aren't any macros or scripting - just formulas, so it _should_ work.

I've used it to create all the example ships in the Core Rulebook. That let me work out some bugs and it showed me some places that it appears that the example ships break the ship build rules.

It's still in a basic (read: not very attractive) form without a final summary sheet and there are a couple of limitations:

There's currently no mechanism for adding better quality Smuggler's Compartment expansion bays.

There's currently a hard limit of 7 Power Cores. The rules say that Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal ships can have more Power Cores (2, 3, and 4, respectively) and that Medium and Large can be outfitted with extra core housings (via expansion bays). I'm not sure if that means that Huge, etc. can use those expansion bays as well.

There's currently no means to add Anti-Personnel weapons nor weapon linking.

I think it should be fine to post as long as there aren't long descriptions of what things do.

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