Can't update expired card

Customer Service

Dear Customer Service team

I received an email from you indicating that my subscription payment had been declined on June 9. I went to My Account / My Subscriptions on the website and saw that my card had expired, so I used the "Update Expiration Date" button to put in the new expiration date for that card, and thought no more of it. However, I have recently got back from holiday to find that no further issues of my susbcription have been shipped. Surprised, I went back to My Subscriptions on the website and saw that the Payment Method was still showing the old expiration date for the card. I then went through the update process again - clicking on "Update Expiration Date", changing the year using the drop-down menu, clicking on "Select This Payment Method" - to find that, after a short processing delay, the page refeshes and jumps to the top without giving any error message, but when I scroll down I see that the date is still the old one! I have been through this process using Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and the same thing happens every time.

What should I do now?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Callum,

I should be able to get it updated for you, but I will need to know what the expiration date is and which card it should be attached to (I see 2 on your account). You can send me an email at with the expiration date and the last 4 of the card it needs to be updated on, or you can call us at 425-250-0800 between 10am and 5pm pacific time, Monday through Friday and we can do that, or add a new card entirely, over the phone.

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