Premade gear sets


I'm planning on running some one shots for friends, for them re try out new characters. Since these would be largely disposable characters I was considering having them be part of a paramilitary organization, allowing for mixing and matching characters, a reason for the one shots to start, and potentially where they get their gear.

To that end I was thinking of having the big 6 be standard issue and leave them pick what they want with the rest of their wealth by level that I'd calculate out. The first question is, do you think this is a good idea to speed up the process? The second question is, at which levels do they get boosts to the items? I was planning on going by the automatic bonus progression, but that didn't seem to be the whole story for armor and weapons as it seems to count on players to still by enhancements for the items just not the straight +x ones.

It seems to me that the automatic bonus progression system already sort of does what your thinking of. It grants the same bonuses that the big six would give, it just applies them to the character at a certain level instead of having to buy an item. It also reduces the characters WBL so you dont even have to do the math. Fluff those bonuses to be the standard issue gear and youre good to go.
Youre right about the players having to pay for their own special abilities for their weapons and armor though, ABP only supplies the enhancements. But thats the players paying to take the standard out of their standard issue equipment and making them their own.
Its important to talk it over with your players first though. Maybe theyll be ok with it, maybe they would prefer the regular system. All I can say is that it seems like a fine way to go if everyone opts in.

pocsaclypse wrote:

It seems to me that the automatic bonus progression system already sort of does what your thinking of. It grants the same bonuses that the big six would give, it just applies them to the character at a certain level instead of having to buy an item. It also reduces the characters WBL so you dont even have to do the math. Fluff those bonuses to be the standard issue gear and youre good to go.

Youre right about the players having to pay for their own special abilities for their weapons and armor though, ABP only supplies the enhancements. But thats the players paying to take them standard out of their standard issue equipment and making them their own.
Its important to talk it over with your players first though. Maybe theyll be ok with it, maybe they would prefer the regular system. All I can say is that it seems like a fine way to go if everyone opts in.

What I'm thinking of is giving them +x bonus to spend as they wish, rather than just +1 and gold too do more. I'm looking for advice when they should have certain bonuses so I can address it with the group. If there automatic bonus progression does that, ok, not if not I'm hoping for a better idea. The groups buy in is super important, I just want as much information as possible before suggesting it

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