Making a new character


So i need to make a new character and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help. So far i have the race of Kitsune and class of oracle with a wind mystery. I took the flaw i think is what its called it comes with the class of tongues where in combat I can only speak a certain language. Appearance wise i was thinking 5'4 140 pounds i want to be mainly a healer ill have red fur black eyes and my main weapon is a hand crossbow with a shield. if anyone is willing to help just type down in the comments.

You'll have a hard time reloading your Hand Crossbow with a shield in your hand. You also wont be able to deliver any touch spells or cast spells with a Somantic component.

You will have to decide on which hand you want to free up. Maybe lose the shield and use a larger crossbow?

Have some kind of a melee weapon just in case those annoying enemies decide to frustrate your plans by getting next to you, or you run into an enemy that has DR which needs blunt or slashing weapons to pierce.

The tongues curse is not too bad, with two exceptions: (1) your friends may have to take a rank in Linguistics to speak with you during combat, not too bad a tax, but make them aware of it; (2) certain spells are "language-dependent" and rely on you being able to speak a language the target understands. Command is probably the only one that will immediately matter, but keep a lookout for them.

Liberty's Edge

I'm not sure this character is normally proficient with hand crossbows either?
Focus on enchantment spells to take advantage of being kitsune.

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