Converting Iconic Science Fiction Characters!

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Anyone got any ideas on the Star Trek DS9 crew? Specifically what would Quark be?

Oxygen thief?

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I think we are missing a very important icon for space-themed heroes.

Buzz Lightyear: Human, Soldier (Armor Storm), and the Icon theme.

RealAlchemy wrote:
Anyone want to take a shot at the main characters of Babylon 5?

Someone asked for Babylon 5 characters so I'll take a stab.

John Sheridan- Envoy/Icon

He's a military commander whose primary ability is to inspire those under him. He ends up really famous and recognizable.

Delenn- Envoy/Priest

She can certainly defend herself, but she is always oriented towards negotiations, and is a Religious Caste Leader. I could see an argument though for Mystic.

Michael Garibaldi- Operative/Bounty Hunter

He is a skilled interrogater and investigator, as well as a good shot with his pistol. In a flashback however he does wield a heavy weapon, so maybe Soldier. I lean towards Operative however because he is highly skilled (so much so that a virtual projection of himself is able to hack a government system).

Bester- Operative (Psychic Adept)/Bounty Hunter

His job is to hunt people down, and he uses his psychic abilities to interrogate people. Although Psychic Adept can be a little limited to maybe an Empath Mystic

Lyta Alexander- Empath Mystic (Phrenic Adept too?)/Outlaw

She is very powerful in the way of mind powers. She also organizes an underground telepath cabal.

Londo Mollari- Envoy/Icon

Ah, racist grandpa! Mollari is primarily a talker, who is very good at doing that. He also has a good understanding of court intrigue and persuasion. Although it is interesting to note that he has piloting training as well as having attended a Duelist's school. Icon is pretty obvious.

G'Kar- Envoy/Priest

G'Kar is also an envoy as a diplomat, although it is tempting to make him a soldier or operative because of how ridiculously strong he is. He also ends up a saint accidentally.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dynas wrote:
Anyone got any ideas on the Star Trek DS9 crew? Specifically what would Quark be?

Okay, I will suggest Bleachling Gnome Envoy with Outlaw theme.

Been a while since I seen Andromeda so I am a bit rusty on it, but from what I remember.

Tyr: Definately a mercenary/soldier. Don't ask on alignment though, he was all over the map. (CE, CN,N NE)

Harper: Mechanic

Rev Bem: Priest Mystic

Trance: Mystic, secretly a goddess.

now for the tough ones. been a while since I saw it.

Dylan: He seems to have tones of both envoy and soldier

Beka: She gives me an impression of operative, soldier, and maybe a bit of envoy mixed in.

Dynas wrote:

Anyone got any ideas on the Star Trek DS9 crew? Specifically what would Quark be?

From what I remember he strikes me as an envoy maybe paired with outlaw. He is involved in many questionable activities but mainly through money and deals.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Of course, now that we can match race, class, and theme, come the hard part.

How do people estimate a fictional character's level?

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