Updated Map Folio?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Is there an updated map folio? I have the old maps, but they are not all the same as the new maps. Have they released maps for the updated version? I tried to extract them from the PDF, but the quality is quite bad.

Grand Lodge

I believe that they have not, nor do they plan on it. If someone knows otherwise, please correct me.

I haven't had any issues pulling the maps from the Anniversary Edition PDF. In addition, check out the Community Created Stuff thread - there are some killer maps in there that pretty much take you up to Skeletons of Scarwall.

I pulled the maps from the anniversary Edition PDF, but the quality is compressed for the document - the resolution is no where the size of the map folio maps or map products of other APs like Iron Gods for example. :(

Dark Archive

I found zooming to 200% - 300% before making a copy of a map within the PDF seems to help the resolution of the output.

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