Pathfinder Supplement: The World of Vampire Hunter D

Pathfinder Player Companion

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Still no details on when this is going to be made available to the general public?

I haz me a feeling that it's a real complicated arrangement between Paizo, Stranger Comics, and the Rights holders to Vampire Hunter D. Plus it has not gone beyond past the first issue yet, to my incomplete knowledge.

And although it is a bit over the page count of your average Player Companion, I suspect that it would fall more into the category of a Pathfinder Licensed Product than an actual PF Player Companion. ;)

That being said, there is another gaming supplement collaboration between Paizo and Stranger Comics; this time with the Niobe Kickstarter (think of it as a cross between Red Sonja and the Elven Ranger chick from the first D&D movie) that is just under a handful of days away from being past funded as of this post. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been hoping to see some information about this as well. Was this ever made available outside of the Kickstarter backers?

I got the impression it was more of a setting book than a player companion, but that's just from the cover art I saw.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wolf Munroe wrote:

I've been hoping to see some information about this as well. Was this ever made available outside of the Kickstarter backers?

I got the impression it was more of a setting book than a player companion, but that's just from the cover art I saw.

There was a bit of setting but it was mostly mechanics :3

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Plus a wee mini-adventure too. ;)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That too!

Is this available yet?

darth_borehd wrote:
Is this available yet?

Yes, but Archives doesn't include it because they need to keep it to Golarion stuff only, I think. The SRD has most of it.

The greatest additions imo was the Spirit Fuse spiritualist archetype, and the carbuncle feat path which was "scavenged" into the Possessed Hand feat path in the Haunted Heroes book. There's also a new base class, the Vampire Hunter.

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