PFS Retraining Question

Rules Questions

I have a cleric who took one level of fighter (no archetype) who would like to retrain that level to barbarian (armored hulk). Which of the following is correct.

1) It's a straight class level retraining with synergy so it costs 5 days/PP (plus the gold of course).

2) It's a two-step process where I train from fighter (no archetype) to barbarian (no archetype) for a cost of 5 days/PP, then I train from barbarian (no archetype) to barbarian (armored hulk) using the archetype retraining rules. This involves adding the alternative class feature of heavy armor proficiency and replacing fast movement with indomitable stance for a cost of 10 days/PP for the two alternate class feat. So, my total retraining cost to go from fighter (no archetype) to barbarian (armored hulk) would be 15 days/PP.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Scarab Sages

As long as you don't already have Batbarian levels without an archetype, I see no reason why you couldn't retrain directly into the archetype. You choose your archetypes at the first level that you swap out abilities, so at level 1 Barbarian you choose Armored Hulk. You do need to make sure the combat feat that you're losing by retraining out of Fighter isn't a prerequisite for any of your other feats.

So I believe it's option 1, 5 prestige (plus the appropriate gold).


5pp + Gold

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Nefreet wrote:
5pp + Gold


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