Isis claims 2 terrorist attacks in Tehran

Off-Topic Discussions

Terrorist attacks in Tehran

How is that Isis' members are hardline sunnis, are (or at least were) finaced by Saudi Arabia, the same State that financed and trained members of Al Quaida and the 9/11 terrorists yet the U.S. never say a word against Saudi Arabia and just closed a deal for 110 billions in weapons to be sold to them?
Is that because Saudi Arabia is respectful of human rights and civil liberties, with their beheadings and laws taken straight from the middle ages (check women rights in Saudi Arabia for an example)?
How is that western governments talk about the "war on terror" but somehow always avoid to take into account the State that more than any other has helped spreading a medieval style version of Islam throughout the world, western countries included?

Take Pakistan as an example

Just saw this.

12 dead, 30 wounded at last report. o.O

Isn't Saudi Arabia is different from Shi'ah and Sunni, Wahhabi I think?

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@Rogar: There was no $110 billion deal with Saudi Arabia. There were discussions of interest and intent for possible future transactions... all, apparently, dating back to the Obama administration.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The Mad Comrade wrote:

Just saw this.

12 dead, 30 wounded at last report. o.O

Isn't Saudi Arabia is different from Shi'ah and Sunni, Wahhabi I think?

Wahhabiism is a subtype of Sunni Islam.


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The Mad Comrade wrote:

Just saw this.

12 dead, 30 wounded at last report. o.O

Isn't Saudi Arabia is different from Shi'ah and Sunni, Wahhabi I think?

In very broad terms, Iran is state sanctioned Shi'ah of the Twelver/ Ithnā'ashariyyah' school, Saudi Arabia is state sanctioned Sunni of the Wahhabi school, and ISIS is a Takfiri Salafist version of Sunni.

Keep in mind that just because Saudi Arabia finances you doesn't mean they support or honor you. They have an age old tradition of just paying problems off and telling them to go be violent towards someone else instead of us.

Which is definitely something we need to have a long overdue talk with them about...

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Keep in mind that just because Saudi Arabia finances you doesn't mean they support or honor you. They have an age old tradition of just paying problems off and telling them to go be violent towards someone else instead of us.

Which is definitely something we need to have a long overdue talk with them about...

I'll make sure to keep that in mind but it's not just that they are paying extremists to do their thing somewhere else out of their borders... they are actively financing and training people whose vision of Islam reflects their own State version of Islam as praticed inside their State.

Id we were serious about this so called "war on terror" we would have never even considered selling weapons to the Saudis, yet we did and they used them to wipe out shiites in Yemen in what amounts to regligious war.
The Saudis are not only financing terrorist groups but planting the ideological seeds of terror. This is evident in the UK (it's well documented, even with documentaries from the BBC) but even more in poor countries: the Saudis bankroll the construction of new mosques and madrassas, then appoint their own wahabite teachers and then expouse their intolerant version of Islam. Note that in such countries poor families often have no choice but to send their children to these religious schools because for them there is simply no alternative cause they cannot afford other types of schools and saudi bankrolled madrassas are cost free (monetarily speaking at least).

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