Blindness cure!

Rules Questions

Hey, one of my players has been affected the a nymph's blinding beauty, a supernatural ability. I know Blindness/Deafness can be dispelled because of the Permanent duration, but SU abilities cannot.

I was wondering if the remove Blindness/Deafness had the same restrictions. If a creature is cured by Remove Blindness/Deafness are they completely healed or can it be dispelled?

The duration of Remove B/D says instantaneous, which means the magic fixes the eyesight and disappears right, making it NOT vulnerable to dispel magic?

I'm unsure about the ruling, would appreciate some input :)

Remove Blindness/Deafness will work.

My question was not if Remove B/D would work, but if it would have the permanent effect or if it would be back to default.

For example, is there magic present that gives the eyesight back, or is it back to how your eyesight normally works without magic?

Remove B/D resets your eyesight to normal and ends. There's nothing to dispel to return you to blindness.

Duration instantaneous cannot be dispelled because it only lasts an instant.

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