Shipment arrived. Need to identify what order it is

Customer Service

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

So one of my shipments arrived to Argentinian customs on friday and the way things work here is that I have to pay a tax before I can take it home. However in order ot pay said tax I need to know what order it is since I have more than 1 shipping in process. The only piece of information I have is the USPS tracking number which is: CJ533448930US

I also need to know the price printed on the shipping box since I have a lot of charges on the credit card from paizo and I dont know which one is related to which shipment.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Order number is 4135353
I believe it is composed of 2 different packages:

Shipping & Handling
6 items. Estimated package weight: 26 lbs.
Will be listed on customs forms as books and toys/figures

Shipping & Handling
18 items. Estimated package weight: 26 lbs.
Will be listed on customs forms as dice/accessories and toys/figures

What I dont know is if both arrive to Argentina under the same USPS tracking code of they are independent of each other.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

Sorry to insist but I need help identifying these orders as soon as possible. I am getting charged for every day that the shipment sits in customs

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

According to Argentinian customs package weighs 99 lbs. Now I am even more confused since expected weight was 26 lbs each.

Customer Service Representative

For future reference, please note that we are closed on the weekends, so if you post during the weekend, the earliest anyone can respond is Monday.

I'm trying to see what I can find out for you and will send you an email with more information once I do.

Owner - Deposito de Gnomos

1st package recieved succesfully. Second package should arrive soon. I noticed the 1st package was declared as 2 different categories: Books and Toys. Could you email me if this is the same situation for the second package? In Argentina we dont pay import tax on books so I need to know the price declared on on each category in able to pay the correct tax.

Customer Service Representative

It looks like the 2nd package is all minis and map packs, so nothing in that will fall into the Books category.

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