(PFS) New character, basic sorceror advice request. Please help a noob caster!


Silver Crusade

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Hey everyone,

I've been playing PFS for a short while now as a paladin/bloodrager and I've had some success with it. However, higher level modules (over 9) are very rare in my area and the time is approaching to start an alt. I'd like to try playing a somewhat more complex build than "barbaladin smash" and so my eye fell to a caster class.

Currently, I'm doubting between an evangelist cleric (buffer/summoner/support) build and a sorceror. While the first one seems fairly straightforward, the second one is something I'm having difficulty building optimally. Specifically, the sorceror handbooks are outdated by a few years and especially at low levels i'm running into some problems with rule interpretations. Note that this build would be for pathfinder society play and that I'd like (if possible) to play a human for the favored class bonus and flavor reasons for this specific character. My personal preference would also to be highly versatile over being a one trick pony, but if possible I would also like to deal decent damage with spells.

What i'd like to know is:

-Is there a way to deal decent damage as a sorcerer on low levels without going crossblooded? If so, how? Do you need to use metamagic feats and if so, which one?

-If you take the arcane bloodline and get a familiar as a bond, how does this influence your saves? The description says you can use the familiar's save or the master's, whichever is higher. Does the familiar's saves scale with its level like animal companions (or, I suppose, higher level animals in general)? If so, does this basically mean a caster with a familiar has effective a 'good' save in all 3 categories while his familiar is alive?

-I've read a remark somewhere stating that having a mephit familiar along with the UMD skill allows the mephid to use wands to assist you in combat. Is this correct and if so, is this mephit-specific?

-For higher levels, which combination of feats, traits and the like is needed to cast maximum damage fireballs? I see things like the magical lineage trait and maximized and intensified metamagic feats, but what else is needed? Also on this topic... I've read things about using metamagic rods to cast quickened spells. How would this work exactly?

Apologies for asking so many questions. It's not my itnention to appear lazy, it's just that there's information overload and I find it a bit hard to piece it all together. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as always!

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