jcdman1 |
I'm playing RotRL and my character is a NG Tiefling Abyssial/infernal bloodrager. I'm trying to figure out a way to redeem nualia but idk how to go about it as I feel just talking to her won't be enough. Also I'm a fairly new player so I don't know the rules about redemption. Advice would be appreciated!!!

Urath DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1) Welcome to Pathfinder.
2) Uhm... it is best not to use a title like that .. it spoils the surprise for people who have not met her yet and don't know what's going on in that AP. Putting the word "spoilers" in a title that gives less away is better (ex. "Advise my Tiefling how to redeem someone in RotRL (spoilers)". Once there's a warning, people who don't want to know ahead of time can avoid it.
3) Champions of Purity has a section of rules mechanics for Redemption. It does begin with conversation.
Redeeming someone as far gone as she is would probably be a significant challenge. It would mean taking her along with you for the remainder of the AP -- AFTER she decides she wants to atone. If your group is not going to give you the time for this "side project", that's going to be a significant hurdle. So, yeah, start with your GM. If the GM isn't on-board with it, there's no point in starting.

Haladir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What the others said: This is a question for your GM.
I don't really see a redemption arc for that character, but if it was important to my players, I'd see what we could work out. While there are some optional rules for redeeming evil characters, they first of all must seek redemption on their own...and I'd prefer to role-play that out in the narrative rather than by rolling fice.

Tacticslion |

Also, flagged first post for spoilers!
As others have said, GM first. I've lots of hypothetical suggestions, but they mean less than diddly for a game that isn't one of the ones I'm running. And anything else would be spoilers!
That said, we are really glad you're here! It's a good question, and, after you've had a chat, let us know what the rules are for asking advice and maybe we can help out!

John Mechalas |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If it's as simple as not knowing her crimes- then why not redeem Orik, or Tsuto, or (any of the humanoid ne'er-do-wells the PCs run across, without spoiling things for OP) in the beginning parts of the AP? The Redeem Nualia attempts to all the others is a bit disproportionate.
I hear what you're saying, and it may be true that what you suggest is a factor for some.
Nualia's past also gets a lot more air time than Tsuto, and her history is definitely more tragic. The story does set her up for this sort of sympathy.

Urath DM |

Yeah, I see mousmous' point there.
Especially in light of..
Really, she seems to be the poster-child for how that section can destroy you ... and that makes redeeming her an additional exercise in "others forcing expectations on her".

Latrecis |

A bit of a hogpile but a couple additional notes for the OP:
Yes, you should speak with your GM first. Why are we saying that? Because most respondents here are GM's first or GM's plenty and we are loathe to make trouble for a fellow GM. We would not take it well if one of our players were to show up at our table and say "But the RotRL thread people said blah-blah-blahdy-blah-blah so that's what you have to do." Additionally, we really don't know how much YOU know about Nualia so any answer we might give could spoiler it for you. (In a good way, your own post doesn't contain a lot of data about what you know so it's not spoiling as much as it otherwise might.)
But in addition to talking to your GM, you could suggest he/she post a question out here if he/she has questions or wants some suggestions. We will fill the thread with all kinds of helpful tips for a fellow GM. And we don't have to worry about spoiling anything or making his/her life harder since our suggestions can simply ignored if not appealing.

mousmous |

...but if you wish to continue the conversation - a perfectly fine thing, please start a new thread and aid be happy to join (but please PM me so I know)!
Quite right- I should have realized I was hijacking the thread. I'm so starved for RotRL shop talk, that I didn't think before I posted.

Belegdel |

I can see a potential path for her redemption.
The point where Nualia's "fall" began was when her tryst with the douchebag beneath Sandpoint happened to result in her getting pregnant too close to a temple to Lamashtu.
I don't recall that Nualia ever really knew that. Doesn't really matter if she did. An argument could be made that from that moment on, Lamashtu was manipulating Nualia. Maybe even controlling her. Heck, maybe Lamashtu made her get pregnant in the first place.
If you can convince her of that, and that as a pawn of Lamashtu she was forced to ruin her own life, you should be able to shake her faith. Plant the seeds of doubt. From that point, I reckon you may be able to redeem her.
Although - she's pretty far gone. Not just in terms of being evil - she's not right in the head AND physically altered.
Lamashtu may not LET you redeem her either. The Mother of Monsters has clearly taken an interest.
Could be quite an epic arc.