Corvid Black |
The second level spell "telekinetic volley" says: Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged (D). Does that mean I could cast that spell in advance and keep the levitating sling stones in a pouch and then at a later time (days later?) shoot the stones one per round? Could I cast the spell multiple times and have basically an unlimited amount of stones in a pouch? (since the stones are levitating, they have no weight, they would likely have mass for horizontal movement purposes, but 20 stones or so would be nominal).
Corvid Black |
It doesn't say "first." That wouldn't make sense as drafted. The description goes on: "The touched items levitate in your space. When you cast the spell and once per round thereafter, you can launch one item at a target of your choice as a standard action."
If the duration were the shorter of the discharge or rnd/level then there would be no reason to say "or until discharged" -- the fastest you could fire would only be 1/rnd so the duration would necessarily be 1 round/level.
The Sideromancer |
It doesn't say "first." That wouldn't make sense as drafted. The description goes on: "The touched items levitate in your space. When you cast the spell and once per round thereafter, you can launch one item at a target of your choice as a standard action."
If the duration were the shorter of the discharge or rnd/level then there would be no reason to say "or until discharged" -- the fastest you could fire would only be 1/rnd so the duration would necessarily be 1 round/level.
Not necessarily. certain effects, such as the Monk of the Four Winds give more than one standard action per round.
Plausible Pseudonym |
Sideromancer is right. It's whichever is first. The "until discharged" covers the situation where you only have three objects that you fire off as fast as you can but your CL is 6 and you'd otherwise have 6 rounds of duration. The spell ends when you shoot your last thing, even if some rd/level duration otherwise exists.
Note that it's from a Player Companion, which have notoriously (to me, anyway) sloppy editing and frequently have needlessly confusion or poorly thought out stuff like this.
Corvid Black |
Hmm, ok that makes sense but I think that the better read would be upon discharge but no longer than rnd/level. To use your example, I fire off three objects. I would think that I could spend a round doing something else (like finding a stone on the roadway) and then the round after fire that stone. Under your read I could fire six objects, but if I don't do it in 6 rnds the spell ends.