Quick questions about Sunder

Rules Questions

1. Which comes first, the Sunder attempt or the attack of opportunity?

2. If Sundering a bow, does the archer get an attack of opportunity?
(bows don't threaten, that is why I am unsure. Punch to the face sure but an AoO with the bow?)

3. If the Sundering attempt is made by a reach weapon does this trigger an AoO on the wielder?
(I can't get my head around being able to strike the attacker, the weapon yes but an opponent not in an adjacent square? Could be just Pathfinder physics...)

Thanks in advance

Silver Crusade

1. The Attack of Opportunity, it interrupts.

2. Yes, and anyone else within reach that can make one if they are able to (the archer would need a way to make use of the AoO).

3. Yes, maybe not against the person they're doing it against unless they also have reach but they do provoke.

Rysky wrote:

2. Yes, and anyone else within reach that can make one if they are able to (the archer would need a way to make use of the AoO).

'If you do not have the Improved Sunder feat, or a similar ability, attempting to sunder an item provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.'

The rules seem to indicate that only the person on the receiving end of the sunder attempt can make an AoO, unless I am missing something.
And can the archer make that AoO with the bow or are they restricted to a punch to the face?

Silver Crusade

Oh! I had never noticed that before, my apologies :3

They would need Improved Unarmed Strike or a spiked gauntlet to strike them with their fist, and that would depend on whether they had both hands on the bow or not, otherwise Improvised Weapon attack I guess.

Rysky wrote:

Oh! I had never noticed that before :3

They would need Improved Unarmed Strike or a spiked gauntlet to strike them with their fist, and that would depend on whether they had both hands on the bow or not, otherwise Improvised Weapon attack I guess.

This what I'm thinking but I want to make sure. Unless something influences me differently then it will be a punch to the face or as an Improvised Weapon attack with the bow itself.

Silver Crusade

Spacelard wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Oh! I had never noticed that before :3

They would need Improved Unarmed Strike or a spiked gauntlet to strike them with their fist, and that would depend on whether they had both hands on the bow or not, otherwise Improvised Weapon attack I guess.

This what I'm thinking but I want to make sure. Unless something influences me differently then it will be a punch to the face or as an Improvised Weapon attack with the bow itself.


And without Improved Unarmed Strike or similar ability, that punch in the face provokes an AoO.

With regard to #3, this is a strength to reach weapons doing manuevers, harder for the AoO to be made.

If the archer has the snap shot feat he can take the AoO with the bow.

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To be precise, if the archer threatens, he can take an Attack of Opportunity when provoked. The sunderer does provoke. That doesn't mean that the archer can take advantage of the provocation.

Normally, unarmed strikes and ranged attacks do not threaten. So, the archer can't AoO with them.

There are ways to get around that limitation. Some examples; spiked gauntlets, improved unarmed strike and snap shot. Some other reasons the archer may not be able to take the AoO; out of AoOs for the round, the sunderer is out of reach.

None of this is special to Sunder. Any provocation follows these same rules.

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