Are there pickup PFS games at Paizocon?

Paizo Events

So while i got most of what i was looking for, there are a few times like Sat and Sun afternoon that my Son and I don't have games. is there a board or way to find other PFS players and play or GM a game?

Dark Archive

Board, not that I recall. However, there will almost for sure be pickup games.

do they have a room set aside for such a thing, what is best way to find a game?

Grand Lodge

Mostly by showing up at open areas and seeing who is around. You can also organize table on Warhorn.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

There's a few rooms on the level above the Paizo vendor room where people congregate to play.

You might find people right outside the main hall when the morning sessions let out.

Okay, so say I have an opening on Sat afternoon, I post it on Warhorn, ahead of time, is there a room or location set aside that we can play at, or do i need to find a room once I get there?

Edit, thanks Waltero - guess you responded as I was posting.

Liberty's Edge

Jump in on the "Precon games" thread. There is some talk of afternoon games there, and using the Warhorn there for some pickup games.

Looking in on this thread I want to make an offer: I'd be willing to GM one of the following PFS scenarios ( Citadel of Flame #1-39; Vetran's vault #4-18; Halls of Dwarven lore #4-22; Hall of the flesh eaters #6-06; or the overflow archives #6-15) if another GM stepped up GM'd another scenario in an one of the open afternoon slots (obviously we'd guarantee each other seats at our respective tables)

I have Friday , Saturday (I can start at 11:45am on Sat.), and Sunday afternoons. If any GM's are interested in scheduling a pick up game and want to play a little more in the afternoon..let me know ..I know we won't have a problem recruiting players.

PS. I'm totally up for playing or GMing a core game! Also would love to play either Overflow archives or Vetran's vault as core player!..

Liberty's Edge

Doug I am right there with you friend. I am taking my son and trying to get into stuff for us both was a bit hard. I would join you and your clone early evening saturday or sunday if you all had room, I ended up signing up for a few seminars that I though he and I would enjoy but we are free after 6pm those days to anyone that has a pick up game. I come with herolab on my ipad, and we are both potty trained :)

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