Massages, what kind of check?

Rules Questions

I could definitely make an argument for it being a Heal check, but I'm not completely sure. What do you guys think?

I am not sure I would make it a check. I am not sure how this would come up, but I'd probably allow several options including:

-Knowledge (Nature)
-Bluff (if you're faking it)
-Dex check

Nothing fits perfectly, but if you're trying to relax someone, seduce someone, heal a muscle spasm you are essentially using different skills.

Profession (masseuse)

It would depend on the intent of the check. Is this going to be mechanically meaningful? I.e. if this is to remove the fatigued condition or nonlethal damage I would say a heal check would make sense. If this is done as part of a seduction I could see using diplomacy. If you are just trying to earn gold it would be profession.

I'd say Heal or Sleight of Hand. Makes sense to make it Dex based, so Sleight of Hand would be the most fitting.

Maybe combine both.

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Profession(masseuse/masseur) certainly works, but for someone who doesn't have that I vote Heal for sure.

Yes that's what the profession skill is for, and why it's so vague. Heal is also part of massage and that works well too.

I'm not going to ask WHY you need to have a definitive check for something like that.

Profession definitely. I guess heal could do the trick with a higher DC, and... well... sleight of hand for +18 'things'?

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