Staves without UMD checks

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

If I have a staff with 3 spells on it and my class knows only one of the spells am I able to cast the other spells on the staff without a UMD check? Specifically a druid with a staff of fire knows wall of fire but not fireball or burning hands

Nope. Spell-trigger items like staves only let you cast the spells on your class list(s) freely; for any others you need UMD.

You do only need to know one of the spells in order to recharge the staff, FWIW.

Liberty's Edge

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:

Nope. Spell-trigger items like staves only let you cast the spells on your class list(s) freely; for any others you need UMD.

You do only need to know one of the spells in order to recharge the staff, FWIW.


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