Artifact against Darkvision


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does this make sense and would you allow it?

Crafting a wondrous artifact eye.
Use the spells blur and darkness.
It creates a continuous effect that gives you normal concealment​ bonus against enemies even if they can see naturally darkness.
IE- With this if you are in dim light you still get a 20% concealment even if the enemy has the See in Darkness a ability

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Doesn't seem to be artifact level, IMO. Deeper darkness is only 3rd level, blur is 2nd. This is essentially continuous on both that excludes the wearer.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

May of used artifact loosely. I'm in a mythic campaign and facing many devil's and others with see in darkness. I'm trying to figure a way to still get concealment against them so I can effectively combine moonlight stalker and nightmare fist feats

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Gotcha. I think you can formulate some item that does something similar based on the item creation rules. You can't just do 2 continuous spells on an item without adding in some extra cost, however, just like adding abilities/enhancements to a weapon gets increasingly more expensive, but I'm sure some version would be doable.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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