Keep on the Borderlands for Pathfinder?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Silver Crusade

Specifically, is there something that follows the main gist of KotB (or is just really close) with the Pathfinder ruleset? I know Kingmaker gives a lot of nods to it but I'm looking for something a little closer.

Sovereign Court

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Raging Swan (excellent 3rd party publisher) have a great adventure called Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands.
It is a tribute to the original but all Parhfinder ROG rules.

If you search these Messageboards for Keep on the Borderlands (use that exact string), you will find several threads about this module for D&D 3.5 and/or Pathfinder.

The Paizo store has Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands.

Dark Archive

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I will third the Shadowed Keep love. It is really good.

Silver Crusade

GeraintElberion wrote:

Raging Swan (excellent 3rd party publisher) have a great adventure called Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands.

It is a tribute to the original but all Parhfinder ROG rules.

That sounds kind of perfect. Thanks!

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