Cast spells in Binding

Rules Questions

I've seen a few crafty threads about this strategy, but I'd like to hear what the consensus on this matter is:

Can you cast a spell while under the effects of Binding (Minimus Containment)?

Is it possible to cast Magic Jar while under Minimus Containment?

Further, can you use the gem you're trapped in as the focus for Magic Jar?

I'm pretty firmly in the "no to all" category. The purpose and function of Binding is to imprison the subject as a plot device for outsiders to rescue.

Dark Archive

1. Nothing in the spell description prevents you from casting spells. However you are held within a gem so verbal and somatic component might be an issue. If you are doing shenanigans buy some meta magic rods.

Yes with the same issues about not being able to move or talk.

If it meets the GP value why not?

Is it worth 100 gp or more? Then yes.

Binding is best to use on martial characters with garbage will saves.

Dark Archive

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
I'm pretty firmly in the "no to all" category. The purpose and function of Binding is to imprison the subject as a plot device for outsiders to rescue.

What rules support your ruling?

Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
I'm pretty firmly in the "no to all" category. The purpose and function of Binding is to imprison the subject as a plot device for outsiders to rescue.

Besides the obvious shenanigans I am no doubt pulling, there is a reason I call out Minimus Containment. Another section of the same spell, Metamorphosis, describes an extremely similar form of imprisonment, but goes so far as to disallow "[use] of it's powers or abilities." Minimus Containment lacks this language, and thus my curiosity.

Halek wrote:

1. Nothing in the spell description prevents you from casting spells. However you are held within a gem so verbal and somatic component might be an issue. If you are doing shenanigans buy some meta magic rods.

Yes with the same issues about not being able to move or talk.

If it meets the GP value why not?

Is it worth 100 gp or more? Then yes.

Binding is best to use on martial characters with garbage will saves.

The intention for the Binding is to effectively cease aging and create ludicrously expensive items one could normally not craft due to time constraints while sticking to Core-Only. Any familiar that is incapable of dying (Homunculous) can move you to a populated area for you to "borrow" bodies while you "keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities." Crafting feats, the Spellcraft skill, and your own spells seem to fit within the confines of what you keep.

Additionally, Minimus Containment simply says that you are shrunk down and trapped in your container. It even recommends a jar, so I don't know that you are considered unable to move or speak, as you are under Metamorphosis.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Been there. Done that. Totally legal.

I even asked this very question for this very reason back in the day.

Ravingdork wrote:

Been there. Done that. Totally legal.

I even asked this very question for this very reason back in the day.

Sadly, no one answered it, Ravingdork. Good to know we're on the same wavelength on this, though.

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