Oracle Cuse question

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

I didn't see in the additional resources anything in the "Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox" about the oracle curse Wrecking Mysticism and was wondering if it's legal for play in Pathfinder Society play. If it's legal and someone from Piazo wrote about it that you know of can you link it?

Silver Crusade

If I want to know if something is PFS legal, I usually check the nethys archrives. They put a mark on every spell, archetype, and ability if it's PFS legal. According to that site, wrecking mysticism curse is legal.

oracle curses on nethys archives

iirc if it's not mentioned specifically in the additional resources under the book it's in, it's not legal - but watch out for bits that say everything on pgs x-y is legal

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