Melee and Ranged two-weapon fighing

Rules Questions

I suspect this has been answered elsewhere but my skills are lacking this late at night.

Can a character mix melee and ranged attacks as part of a full attack with two weapon fighting? Say a character is armed with a longsword and a throwing axe and he takes a full attack with two-weapon fighting, could he throw the axe as one attack and then attack with the longsword? I understand that the ranged may provoke, but aside from that, could the action be taken?

Also, if you have a reference in the rules where it spells this answer out, that would be awesome.

You can! And the feat Snap Shot and its improved and greater versions help with this.

The rules are actually kinda ambiguous on this, although most reasonable GMs will allow it as long as you're not trying to abuse some rules interaction.

Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

There are feats and archetypes the are specifically designed for mixed ranged and melee.

Picaroon, for example.

You don't even need to be using two-weapon fighting. Those rules only apply if you're using 2 weapons AND try to make that additional off-hand attack. If you have a weapon in each hand and only make use of your main iterative attack bonus (assuming you're of sufficient level to have a BAB over 5), you can attack with those hands interchangeably without penalty.
And that includes throwing weapons. Though in those cases, of course, provoking AoO and a need for quickdraw may apply depending on the circumstances...


Sword and Pistol (Combat)

You effortlessly pair melee and ranged weaponry.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you use the Two-Weapon Fighting feat while wielding a melee weapon and a crossbow or firearm, your attacks with the crossbow or firearm provoke no attacks of opportunity from foes that you threaten with your melee weapon.
Normal: Making a ranged attack provokes attacks of opportunity.

Sword and Pistol shows you can two weapon fight with a melee and a ranged weapon.

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