Zon-Kuthon Cleric + a question about domains


The Exchange

So I'm making a character to flesh out my main character's backstory - she'll likely never actually see play, but I figured why not? As an exercise in character building, if nothing else.

She's a ecclesitheurge cleric of Zon-Kuthon - I put her at level 3, a level higher than my main character (for age reasons and...just cause, really).

When it got to choosing domains, though, for some reason Hero Lab is telling me that Zon-Kuthon doesn't allow the torture subdomain. Honestly, that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Anyway, the build I have atm, on 20 point buy, is:
str 10, dex 15, con 14, int 9, wis 15, cha 14

Feats: exotic weapon proficiency (spiked chain), weapon finesse, cruelty (will be adding Bloodletting if I ever do anything with her).

Traits: Influence (Intimidate), Pain is Pleasure, Shadowsight
Drawback: Cruelty

Primary Domain: Torture Inquisition
Secondary Domain: Murder/Torture
And ecclesitheurge lets me switch out the secondary for any other spell list in Zon-Kuthon's domains.

HP 27, AC 12, Fort: +5, Ref: +3, Will: +5

I put ranks in:
Diplomacy: +6 (1)
Heal: +8 (3)
Intimidate: +9 (1)
Perception: +3 (1)

Background Skills:
Linguistics: +3 (1)
Lore (Zon-Kuthon): +4 (2)
Profession (Torturer) +8 (3)

Her weapon is a masterwork cold iron spiked chain, which is also her Bonded Holy Symbol.

I imagine her as utterly devoted, and slightly mad, but able to hide that fact when necessity demands it. She's also kind of scary in general.

Her build is leans more towards fluff than technical, but...it'd be nice if she was still useable, should I ever want to play her. Any tips?

Silver Crusade

Having a 9 in any stat is a waste. It gives you the same mechanical "benefit" as an 8. I'm not sure if that allows you to restat to a more favorable array, but it's the first thing that jumped out at me.

The Exchange

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Having a 9 in any stat is a waste. It gives you the same mechanical "benefit" as an 8. I'm not sure if that allows you to restat to a more favorable array, but it's the first thing that jumped out at me.

It let me bump Cha to 15, but everything else costs too much. >.< And with weapon finesse, I didn't need to bump Str. Thanks!

I also prefer even stats. Just a personal compulsion, mostly; most of my 20-pb characters use a 16, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 array.

I concur, it seems like something of a typo that Zon-kuthon would not grant Torture.

I always thought the Umbral Court Agent looked like a neat prestige class, although I'm not sure how powerful it is.

The particular subdomains assigned to deities occassionally make sense. But often they don't. I have never had a GM refuse to let me use any subdomain in a cleric, but I don't play pfs, but then your cleric is of zon-kuthon so you are probably not playing with it either. Either ask your GM or just roll with it; Hero Lab does some weird things.

Silver Crusade

According to Archives of Nethys, Z-K does not have the Torture subdomain.

Hero Labs follows the rules not logic. For some reason Paizo decided not to give the torture domain to Zon-Kuthon. You can actually choose the domain it just shows it as being illegal. If it is not showing up on your list of choices just make sure to change the drop down box to show everything. It will still give you all the abilities including domain spells and abilities.

As long as this is not a PFS character just get your GM’s permission and ignore the warning. Most of the time you can add an adjustment in Hero Labs to change something to a legal choice, but that does not work for domains. You could also chose other/philosophy and use the adjustments to give you your deities favored weapon.

Silver Crusade

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Hero Labs follows the rules not logic. For some reason Paizo decided not to give the torture domain to Zon-Kuthon.

Zon-Kuthon was "officially" intoduced in 2007, the Torture Subdomain was created for Inner Sea Gods in 2014.

They had thought about changing his domains as it did make sense, but the amount of ripples (seen and unseen) and NPC and PC rewrites it would have caused would have been too much of a nightmare.

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One trick that I find cool for a Zon kuthon cleric is to dip a single level of oracle. 1 oracle/8 cleric.

If you get the waste curse from oracle you get immune to sickened...

This happens to work very well well with the divine fighting technique for Zon Kuthon: (which you

Flensing Chain

Your god invites all mortals to join in inflicting and suffering pain.

Initial Benefit(s): Once per round, when you hit a foe with a spiked chain, you can twist the chain so it painfully flenses both of you. You and your target are both sickened for 1 round, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom bonus) or be sickened for an additional 1d4+1 rounds.

looks like cool beans to me.

Zon-Kuthon also has envy as aspect, variant channeling negative is one of the coolest things to force on opponent as asking them to try to disarm if they lack the improved disarm results in attacks of opportunity... This may be to difficult to pull off though given that you only have so many feats to burn...

Scarab Sages

Taskuhecate wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Having a 9 in any stat is a waste. It gives you the same mechanical "benefit" as an 8. I'm not sure if that allows you to restat to a more favorable array, but it's the first thing that jumped out at me.
It let me bump Cha to 15, but everything else costs too much. >.< And with weapon finesse, I didn't need to bump Str. Thanks!

the extra point in STR (the only stat you could put one point in) would let you carry slightly more... and the loss of one point of INT has no effect that I know of (from 9 to 8). But for that matter, the difference between a 9 and a 7 INT for a cleric is... very little. You might look at that too.

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