Golarion Day: Subdomains for Everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2010

The Advanced Player's Guide introduced a new concept for clerics—subdomains. It then went on to list subdomains available for the core 20 deities. Which is fine and good, if you happen to worship one of those deities. But what if you worship Besmara? Or Zura? Or the Lost Prince? Or Ymeri?

This post answers those questions. Listed below are the subdomains available for all of the other deities who are mentioned by name in the upcoming Inner Sea World Guide. Keen-eyed scholars of Golarion lore will note that there are even more deities beyond the ones I'm listing below, but in an attempt to keep this blog post from getting too huge, I'm limiting it to JUST the additional deities we mention in The Inner Sea World Guide. That way this post also serves as a sort of stealth preview for that book! If there's another deity from another book who you JUST HAVE to know the subdomains for, post a request in this blog's messageboard section below and I'll answer them as I get the chance.

Other Deities

Achaekek: Blood, Deception, Devil, Murder, Tactics, Thievery

Apsu: Archon, Construct, Dragon, Exploration, Toil, Trade

Besmara: Deception, Oceans, Protean, Tactics, Thievery, Storms

Dahak: Catastrophe, Deception, Demon, Dragon, Rage, Thievery

Ghlaunder: Catastrophe, Cloud, Demon, Fur, Rage, Wind

Groetus: Catastrophe, Insanity, Loss, Night, Protean, Stars

Gyronna: Demon, Insanity, Nightmare, Rage

Hanspur: Exploration, Murder, Protean, Trade

Kurgess: Agathion, Family, Fate, Home, Resolve, Trade

Milani: Azata, Defense, Freedom, Purity, Restoration, Revolution

Sivanah: Deception, Insanity, Memory, Protean, Thought, Wards

Zyphus: Blood, Catastrophe, Daemon, Decay, Murder, Undead


Baalzebul: Devil, Murder, Undead, Wind

Barbatos: Arcane, Devil, Divine, Trade

Belial: Catastrophe, Devil, Lust, Rage

Dispater: Deception, Devil, Leadership, Thievery

Geryon: Devil, Ferocity, Oceans, Resolve

Mammon: Construct, Devil, Metal, Toil

Mephistopheles: Devil, Language, Memory, Thought

Moloch: Ash, Devil, Smoke, Tactics

Demon Lords

Abraxas: Arcane, Demon, Memory, Thought

Angazhan: Decay, Demon, Fur, Growth

Baphomet: Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve

Cyth-V'sug: Caves, Decay, Demon, Growth

Dagon: Catastrophe, Demon, Oceans, Rage

Deskari: Blood, Catastrophe, Demon, Tactics

Gogunta: Demon, Murder, Undead, Oceans

Kostchtchie: Demon, Ferocity, Ice*, Tactics

Nocticula: Demon, Loss, Lust, Night

Orcus: Demon, Divine, Murder, Undead

Pazuzu: Cloud, Deception, Demon, Wind

Shax: Demon, Leadership, Martyr, Rage

Socothbenoth: Demon, Exploration, Trade Lust

Zura: Blood*, Demon, Murder, Undead

The Eldest

Count Ranalc: Exploration, Loss, Martyr, Night

Green Mother: Caves, Decay, Growth, Lust

Imbrex: Family, Home, Metal, Resolve

Lantern King: Deception, Love, Lust, Thievery

Lost Prince: Ancestors, Insanity, Martyr, Memory

Magdh: Curse, Fate, Thought, Wards

Ng: Exploration, Seasons, Thought, Trade

Ragadahn: Ancestors*, Dragon, Oceans, Saurian

Shyka: Arcane, Catastrophe, Divine, Insanity

Elemental Lords

Ayrzul: Caves, Metal

Hshurha: Clouds, Wind

Kelizandri: Ice, Oceans

Ymeri: Ash, Smoke

Empyreal Lords

Andoletta: Archon, Defense, Memory, Purity

Arshea: Agathion, Freedom, Love, Lust

Korada: Agathion, Purity, Restoration, Resurrection

Ragathiel: Archon, Leadership, Martyr, Rage

Sinashakti: Azata, Exploration, Fate, Trade

Valani: Azata, Growth*, Seasons, Storms


Apollyon: Catastrophe, Daemon, Loss, Night

Charon: Daemon, Ice, Memory, Undead

Szuriel: Blood, Daemon, Ferocity, Tactics

Trelmarixian: Daemon, Decay*, Insanity, Seasons

The Fallen, False, and Forgotten

Aroden: None

Great Old Ones: Dark Tapestry, Insanity, Language, Memory, Nightmare, Stars

Lissala: Devil, Language, Leadership, Memory, Thought, Wards

Peacock Spirit: None

Razmir: None

Ydersius: Demon, Leadership, Martyr, Saurian, Tactics

*Although this subdomain would normally not be available to worshipers of this deity, in this case an exception is made due to the deity's close association with this theme.

Oh... hmm. Art. Yeah. Ummm... since this blog post is something of a preview of The Inner Sea World Guide, and since she was once a demigod herself (although not anymore; she lost that status when she died and got turned into a lich), here's Arazni, the Harlot Queen of Geb!

Illustration by Carolina Eade

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Arazni Carolina Eade Clerics Golarion Thursdays Undead
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RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

So does PFS have any restrictions on Inquisitions by deity?

Subdomains of Horus from the Mummy's Mask AP?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Day, Feather, Inevitable, Leadership, Light, Wind for Horus.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
All of the subdomians folks are looking for (including Nivi's and all of the empyreal lords) will be revealed in Inner Sea Gods, due out soon!

It's probably in there, but IDK. Which source would I find subdomains for Brigh in, as I have found her domains all over the place in Iron Gods AP pdfs of mine, but never subdomains?

Paranoidmark wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
All of the subdomians folks are looking for (including Nivi's and all of the empyreal lords) will be revealed in Inner Sea Gods, due out soon!
It's probably in there, but IDK. Which source would I find subdomains for Brigh in, as I have found her domains all over the place in Iron Gods AP pdfs of mine, but never subdomains?

Inner Sea Faiths

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
ultimatepunch wrote:
Paranoidmark wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
All of the subdomians folks are looking for (including Nivi's and all of the empyreal lords) will be revealed in Inner Sea Gods, due out soon!
It's probably in there, but IDK. Which source would I find subdomains for Brigh in, as I have found her domains all over the place in Iron Gods AP pdfs of mine, but never subdomains?
Inner Sea Faiths

Thanks! and sorry for the Thread necromancy. I just didn't want to make a new thread just for this question.

James Jacobs wrote:
Gallard Stormeye wrote:
Did Urazra get subdomains yet? I can't find them anywhere.
Urazra Subdomains: Blood, Demon, Ferocity, Fur, Resolve, Tactics

In “Fortress of the Stone Giants” Urazras domains have been Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Strength, War. Destrutcion seemed to fit well. Why was it changed to Evil?

Paizo Employee Developer

Prior to 2E, all gods had to have the domains that matched their alignments. Urazra was missing the Evil domain to match the evil component of his CE alignment, so it was added in when bringing him over to Gods & Magic. Unfortunately, deities could only have a max of 5 domains, so one of them had to go, which meant the loss of the Destruction domain. I wasn't around when that decision was made, so I can't speak as to why that domain was chosen in particular. It wouldn't cause any problems to give Urazra the Destruction domain in your home games, however.

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