Eyes of the Ten [Roll20] [Discord]


Grand Lodge

My name is Dobbins, I'm a 4-star and relatively easy-going GM who got his starts really heavily in the Palouse area. I'm eager to bring a group through the Eyes of the Ten as while it's been a while since I've played it, I have since moved to a place where my group is less consistent and those that are have already exhausted their play of it. I would prefer to take people that haven't played it, but will look at people that want to burn stars afterward.

If you're interested in joining, the times and days will be determined by when people are available based on their applications. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and to a lesser extent Saturdays, are the days i am available. We will play once, potentially twice, a week until we're done. I will not rush anything though (limiting session length to no longer than 8 hours) as this series of scenarios should really not be rushed.

If you're interested, fill out the form below. After being considered, we'll talk for a bit before being confirmed.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOBKcNndYedApa9xbypY2MdCb_TWOO1cu BDzj1ti2dByKJrA/viewform

Grand Lodge

Sorry. Bad link. Can't edit either.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Kroama! I would love to play, but I have exhausted my play throughs. Enjoy though.

I have gunslinger that retired a few years ago I have never had the opportunity to take him through the eyes of the then. I just submitted the Google doc as well. let me know if you have other questions.

Grand Lodge

Thanks Saashaa!

I'll ask about the characters after a week or so of offering the application. Maybe less if i see a good spread of people that are interested.

Grand Lodge

Currently, a lack of sustain from those that have expressed their interest in the games.

Grand Lodge

Looking like Mondays, Fridays or Saturdays.
The group still needs a frontliner or an arcaner caster-- though they'd probably prefer the frontline support.

I have just recently just started playing pathfinder and d and d type of games, and I have enjoyed what I have played of it and was looking for people to join right now I'm in the middle of creating a character sheet for a gnome bloodrager and still need help in the feats but otherwise I would like to join you guys if you guys will have me

Grand Lodge

Sorry. Should have specified this as being Pathfinder Society in my original post.
Eyes of the Ten is a series of scenarios designed for 12th level characters nearing the end of their career. It's after a culmination of numerous other adventures under their characters career.

Since you're new, Organized Play is designed in such a way that a character gets a credit sheet of gold/exp/prestige at the end of each adventure. You take this credit and can play the same character at other tables. The style of Organized Play is episodic meaning you can take your character away for a year and then come back and play it again.
There are a few places in real life that offer such games as well as online play (including a large discord group)


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