C-Line Reusable pockets for Character Sheet Shenanigans

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello everyone, just killing time and aimlessly browsing online stores looking for stuff to get my play group back in the swing. we haven't played in a really long time, but are making a dedicated effort this year. that's neither here or there.
what i wanted to discuss was these reusable film pockets for character sheets, i think they might make a dramatic difference for a few less experienced players, to quickly jot down a bonus from a bless or condition modifier in erasable marker directly onto their character sheets and wipe it away with the effect. I love condition cards, but they are very limited, i looked into transparency note cards to D.i.Y a stacking modifier system similar to the card game Gloom but don't know where to begin.
Just interested in thoughts on these sleeves. Have a good day Y'all.

Sleeves in question (Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004K9D9LE/ref=crt_ewc_img_oth_2?ie=UTF8& amp;psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Gloom Cards: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12692/gloom/images

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Wet erase markers and standard 8.5 x 11 sheet protectors do the job just fine.

Can easily be found at local dollar stores or office supply stores. I keep my group completely supplied with thrift store finds for pennies per year.

CrystalSeas wrote:

Wet erase markers and standard 8.5 x 11 sheet protectors do the job just fine.

Can easily be found at local dollar stores or office supply stores. I keep my group completely supplied with thrift store finds for pennies per year.

Thank you for your input CrystalSeas

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