Price of dragon cartridges

Pathfinder Society

The Villain Codex has introduced some very interesting new firearms which are powered by Dragoon cartridges.

Dragoon Cartridges:

TYPE ammunition
These clips of alchemical cartridges hold three bullets and fit the
slot of either the dragoon musket or the dragoon pistol. They
allow the wielder of those firearms to fire up to three shots in
quick succession without the need to reload. Once the cartridge
is spent, reloading another dragoon cartridge takes a full-round
action, no matter the type of dragoon firearm in question. Rapid
Reload can reduce the action time required, but abilities like
the musket master’s fast musket have no effect. Unlike other
alchemical cartridges, dragoon cartridges don’t increase a dragoon
firearm’s misfire chance by 1. Dragoon cartridges can be used only
with dragoon firearms.

My question is, assuming you are a gunslinger or have the gunsmithing feat, what is the price of these cartridges in PFS?

3 GP because it has the ammunition type and should be treated as such and thus cost 1/10th of the list price?

15 GP because it is specifically called out as an alchemical cartridge and thus it costs half of the list price?

Thanks for your consideration!

Sovereign Court 3/5

I've also been curious about this. It would of been nice if the cartridges had been included in the table that had the Dragoon firearms in it.

Well ultimate combat doesn't include ammunition in the firearms table either.

I also read the firearms entry in ultimate combat but the language and formatting used there is different from that used in villain codex and no key words like ammunition were used there.

Shameless bump for the West Coast!


The price should be 15 GP if you're a Gunslinger or have the Gunsmithing feat. They're specifically called out as being alchemical cartridges.

The "Type: Ammunition" has no effect on the interaction between the Dragoon Cartridge and the Gunsmithing feat.

I missed these items. Thanks for pointing them out. I have a question along the same lines. How much would the Mage Shot Cartridges cost? They are +1 alchemical cartridges.

Sovereign Court 3/5

The Mage Shot are magical cartridges, they should cost what is listed since magic items cannot be crafted in PFS.

k, thanks for the info.

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