Benjamin Kirksey |
I've been looking to create a Blade Adept arcanist, but I'm not entirely certain how Blade Adepts are meant to put magical abilities on their swords. The way I see it, there are three interpretations of those rules:
1) This FAQ states that a Bladebound Magus can't use Craft Magic Arms and Armor to add magic abilities to their Black Blade, and are instead meant to use their Arcane Pool class ability to temporarily boost their weapon's power. Therefore, a Blade Adept must seek out other means of boosting their weapon's power, such as the Arcane Weapon arcane exploit, or the spell Magic Weapon.
2) A Blade Adept's blade "advances as a black blade using ... points from [the arcanist's] arcane reservoir in place of the magus’s arcane pool." This means that a Blade Adept should be able to use their Arcane Reservoir to temporarily boost the Black Blade in the exact same way that a Bladebound can use their Arcane Pool class ability, despite the rules on the Arcane Reservoir class ability saying nothing of the sort.
3) A Blade Adept's Sword Bond ability "works like a wizard’s arcane bond ability save that the blade adept must bond to a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon." A wizard's arcane bond ability allows the wizard to work on their bonded object as though they had the appropriate item creation feat, meaning that a Blade Adept should be able to place magic effects on their blade as though they had Craft Magic Arms and Armor, even if they don't.
These are, of course, very different answers to the same question, and I'm entirely unable to determine which one is right. My GM has enough on his plate right now and would likely defer to anyone who can properly back up their viewpoint. Can someone more familiar with this archetype help me out here?
EDIT: Whoops, this is the wrong forum. This should be in Pathfinder RPG. Sorry about that: silly me.
wellsmv |
1. in pFS there is no crafting so you can use Craft Magic Arms and Armor. You use you points like a magus to temporarily enhance your weapon
read magus/bladebound for examples
2. i dont understand what is your question ?
3. Yes-spell effects ( but not enhancements) you cant give it a permanenet enhancement like add a +1 or bane ability.. but you could cast a spell that effects your weapon such as keen edge
gatherer818 |
The Arcane Weapon exploit lets you put weapon enchantments on your black blade, I strongly suggest you get it. It gains generic pluses as you level up, per the chart for the Bladebound Magus. These pluses are free; as a Blade Adept you don't have spend gold to upgrade your primary weapon. You can put that money into a ranged weapon, better armor, more stat items, or additional situational items, as you prefer :)