0-2A Clarification

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Just to clarify something on Love's Labours Lost…

When you have cornered and defeated the villain, instead of winning, close the last location, then summon and build the location Tidewater Rock...

It mentions closing "the last location." But what if you cornered Master Scourge by temporarily closing other locations? I assume it's just Scourge's location that closes, and the others re-open after the encounter is resolved. Correct?

I realize that once Tidewater Rock is built, you don't have to worry about closing any other locations to win, but just wanted to be sure I had that procedure correct.


This is correct. The play I had last week with Tanis was done like that. Only the last location is closed (and in fact we wanted the 2 Item from the Seaside Warehouse so we had to close that location while Tanis and Brian wailed on the suitors)

Pathfinder ACG Designer

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We probably should have said, "close the villain's location."

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
We probably should have said, "close the villain's location."

Cool cool. Thanks!

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